Important advice when your key will not turn


2010 CX-9 AWD
I found myself in the position of being able to enter my CX9 BUT the turn knob to start the vehicle was locked. The vehicle acted like I was breaking in with the alarm going off.
SOLUTION - Take the steering wheel and jiggle it back and forth and everything worked fine so said the Manual and it was good advice.
I'm glad I wasn't miles away from the too big to carry Mazda CX9 Manual.
CX9 -Advanced Keyless Entry
Thanks。。。。I think it's been a standard feature on all brands for a long time :) but still , nice to point it out, just in case.
Poor you,

As a current member of the Armed Forces of the US; If you can't carry a car manual, then you are pretty much a b*tch.

BTW, my "1978" Ford Granda was the same way as far as the steering wheel locking. Good to see new, inexperienced drivers these days.
If you can't carry a car manual, then you are pretty much a b*tch.

I no longer carry mine; the only place it'll fit is the glove box, which is rather small to begin with - I've got various child care items I'd rather keep in there. One thing I do wish the CX-9 had more of is storage space. I don't see how that makes me a b*tch - its about prioritizing what fits in the car.
Today, it seems no one wants to read User's Manual Before Using until they get into an issue.
Poor you,

As a current member of the Armed Forces of the US; If you can't carry a car manual, then you are pretty much a b*tch.

BTW, my "1978" Ford Granda was the same way as far as the steering wheel locking. Good to see new, inexperienced drivers these days.
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