Import from Canada


I was doing some looking around tonight and found some interesting information. I know it's been brought up before, and I've even posted about this being done by my brother-in-law in Alberta when he comes down to visit, but I thought it might be fun to share the following again:

According to Mazda Canada, the MSP MSRP is $26,995 CDN.
This converts* to approximately $17,230 US.

According to the US Treasury** website concerning the importation of vehicles, there is a 2.5 % duty assessed on all foreign-made cars (it mentions that Canadian-made vehicles usually have no duties assessed, but obviously the MSP being imported would be Canadian-purchased, not Canadian-made).
This converts to approximately $430.

$17,230 + $430 + $500*** = $18,160 = one cheap MSP!

For those of you living close enough to the border or with friends over the border... start dreaming what you could do with that extra $2,340 to play with.


*this was calculated with an online currency converter based on today's mid-market prices.


***approximate amount needed for US titling of the car and changing the vehicle's speedo to miles from kms.
The MSRP doesn't include freight + tire tax + environmental tax etc.. which would add up $1000 CDN at least. That gives you $17,868 USD. Plus you forgot that we have to pay taxes here. US ppl MIGHT get one tax off (so called GST for federal gov't) but still have to pay PST (for prov gov't). Depends on which province you could get the car, most province charge 7%+ except Alberta, which is 0% (correct me if I am wrong here) My province (BC) charges us 7.5%. So use my province as example, $17,868 * 1.075 = $19208 + $430 + $500 = $20,138 plus transportation fee to get it shipped back to US. I guess it's better to buy it @ US as there are more Mazdaspeed available anyway~
ya know...the math might work out for you guys IF you could find an MSP in the US that cheep...but i have news for WON'T. the price you gave is actually UNDER the invoice price I have seen for the US MSP's....the invoice was about $18,500 and the MSRP is a bit higher as you might well imagine....if ANY dealer lets one of these babies go for less than MSRP, I would be VERY VERY surprised....the MSRP without any destination charges or taxes or anyting is $20, the time you add in all the are at about $22,000. and I am sure that there will be a FEW people out there...that even pay more, just because they GOTTA have one...and they want it NOW!

The math in cdn dollars in Ontario

$ 26,995 MRSP ( don't expect a deal )
$ 1000 Freight and PDI ( estimate )
$ 100 paint charge
$ 250 dealer admin fee
$ 600 extend north america Warranty
$ 1984.15 GST
$ 2267.60 PST

$ 33196.75 CDN converts to $ 21245.92 US

Duty at border 2.5 % 531.14 US

$ 21777.06 USD

Now add your state taxes to this amount which you will have to pay to register the car in your state. You * MIGHT * be able to get the GST back $ 1269.85

You need to buy the warranty to be covered in North america and not just canada.

At the end of the day you save maybe a little but probably not worth the hassle.
this is like the seinfeld where kramer and newman try to take bottles and cans back to michigan for 10 cents deposit to try and make a profit.......
Yeah...isn't it

I think I will put my Mazdaspeed on ebay when I get it...maybe I can make a profit on it lol since I am in Canada
Just watch out a lot of automakers are putting a stop to this by cancelling and refusing to honor warranties on cars that aren't for export to the U.S. and "policing" their dealers by ensuring that they don't sell to U.S. customers. Next time you think things are cheaper in the U.S. do the math, they're not.
You have to buy the extended warranty on a mazda to get coverage in north america