If you have a brain: Drive carefully !


2002 EDM 323F
well.. just a week ago i told edwin about a crazy peep from the german mazda community (driving an old 323 BF turbo)...

he frequently had small accidents because of his reckless driving (-always- too fast) but surprisingly he was never hurt and his car was never really damaged... in the IRC chat he was always joking about that and so were we... the last time i talked to him was yesterday evening..

about 30mins ago i went into the chatroom and someone posted a link (badly translated)
brief summary:
- he and two of his friends were on the way back home, of course too fast
- michael (that's his name) drove through a redlight (just switched to red)..
- unfortunately another car came from the side and micha drove into that car.
- he lost control over the mazda, came off the road, the mazda was skidding and he and his co-driver were thrown out of the car onto the concrete.the mazda came to a standstill after it hit 3 other cars which were parked nearby...

he and his co-driver were seriously injured, taken to hospital by the ambulance..the passenger in the backseat and the driver of the other car were hurt only slightly hurt...

needless to say he was lucky that he didn't die there because once you get thrown out of your car your chances for survival decrease dramatically... no further news yet about his health status..

that's a pic of one of his "usual" accidents


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ah well..no,because noone else is interested enough to write into this thread ^^