I need job advice guys....


2002 Mazda Protege ES
Some of you might remember my old thread about losing my job....welll talk about a 180:

Ok, So I am currently employeed under a temp contract as an assistnat media buyer (To those that don't know, a media buyer is basically the middle men between companies and networks. We negotiate the price and purchase commercials.)

I was interviewing around and got a job offer at another agency that bumps my pay to 40k and promotes me to a full buyer instead of an assistant.

So no brainer take the job right?

Well, today I got a call from ESPN who i also interviewed for. They offered me a job as an Assistant client service rep in digital ad sales (think online ads). They offered me the exact same salary except they also give overtime.

Theres the dilema.

I have been in media buying for roughly 8 months now and I love it...enjoy it and think I do it pretty well. The sales side of the industry is similar but I would have to learn new things, esp on the digital side. The commute to ESPN would be a bit longer, but if you were to average 45 hour weeks (which is a conservative estimate) for a year thats almost $7800 just in overtime.

so basically, i'm stuck with ...should I just take a job that pays more NOW...but they kinda just even out as you progress...and media buying you move up a lot sooner than Sales...

Or should I go with a job I know, like, closer to where I live and I technically already accepted. (I said yes yesterday and got the ESPN call today....though unprofessional, I don't want that to be a deciding factor on my decsion...as at the end of the day..its my future and what works best.)

Anyway...any professionals with some tips for me? Ask questions if you need more information about either jobs.

Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you should go w/ the media buyer position. You enjoy it and have better upward mobility...

From what you've said there are more cons to taking the ESPN job...
I had a similar thing happen. I had an offer from an insurance company and an offer from my current employer, a state university.

The insurance company was closer and would pay me more. However, I liked my current job and atmosphere better, so I took that one.

It comes down to what are you going to be happier doing.

Would you want to move to be closer to Bristol to work for ESPN?

If you decide to take the job at ESPN, don't worry about the other company. They can yank the offer from you as fast as you can accept it.. You have to do what is best for #1.
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I had a similar thing happen. I had an offer from an insurance company and an offer from my current employer, a state university.

The insurance company was closer and would pay me more. However, I liked my current job and atmosphere better, so I took that one.

It comes down to what are you going to be happier doing.

Would you want to move to be closer to Bristol to work for ESPN?

If you decide to take the job at ESPN, don't worry about the other company. They can yank the offer from you as fast as you can accept it.. You have to do what is best for #1.

Its actually in the NYC. Its in the ABC building on Madison and 77th.....so the commute difference is literally like 20 minutes...not much, but i'd have to transfer three times by subway vs. 1 train the whole way.
Sounds like you should go w/ the media buyer position. You enjoy it and have better upward mobility...

From what you've said there are more cons to taking the ESPN job...

I am leaning that way...I wish one of these weren't offered to me honestly....as I would have no problem trying out the sales side if I had no other option.
Oh well that's not too bad. I thought you were going up to Bristol. That would be a HUGE difference.

Well, honestly if it is a 20 minute difference, that isn't too bad. If you like the ESPN job better and you can bank more money with the overtime there, that's sounding pretty good to me. I wouldn't be worried about upward mobility at ESPN.. Advertising at that company is HUGE and they have a lot of different ad sales departments (print, tv, online, mobile etc.)
I've never been the "sales" type. i just dont like not knowing how much and if Im getting a paycheck...
I am leaning that way...I wish one of these weren't offered to me honestly....as I would have no problem trying out the sales side if I had no other option.
I've never been the "sales" type. i just dont like not knowing how much and if Im getting a paycheck...

Me too...

Make a hard list of pros and cons and see which one is best for you. More money doesn't always tip the scales to the pro side. Mobility, work environment, clicking with the people you work with, etc. can be a bigger deciding factor.
My father told me to take the first job, but decline the ESPN job with the reason that you had accepted a job yesterday and it would be unprofessional....however, I will revaluate my situation in 6-12 months and hopefully i could be reconsidered as a canidate at espn.

man....this is a tough choice haha.
here is my unprofessional response. take the job at espn. once there let everyone there know that the yankees suck and nobody cares about them anymore. I am sick and tired of the stupid yankees and how espn rates them as the best team in baseball.

rant over. in reality you have to do what's best for you. what will you enjoy doing more, then consider pay. your sanity is worth more the $.
ESPN looks like it's fun to work at. haven't you seen the commercials?

On the interview the guy was like....Tiger Woods does not walk around the offices, hate to dissapoint.

haha and yes the offices look nothing like Sportscenter offices unfortunatly.
that's because you are in NYC, not at the production facility in bristol lol.
that's because you are in NYC, not at the production facility in bristol lol.

haha damn.

The ABC building is huge though I must say. It has its own cafeteria on the ground floor. Takes up almost a whole block I think.
I've never been the "sales" type. i just dont like not knowing how much and if Im getting a paycheck...

Me too...

Make a hard list of pros and cons and see which one is best for you. More money doesn't always tip the scales to the pro side. Mobility, work environment, clicking with the people you work with, etc. can be a bigger deciding factor.

Well, to clearify, I have a base salary that matches my other offer....plus overtime. No commision in my position.

Btw guys...I took the ESPN offer.
Well, to clearify, I have a base salary that matches my other offer....plus overtime. No commision in my position.

Btw guys...I took the ESPN offer.

i think that is the right choice. I don't know the other company, but based on my knowledge of espn it is a very stable company to work for. And you should definitely not worry about upward mobility within the company, with espn's roots in abc and parent company Disney, you should have no problem finding new and exciting things to do within the company if you don't like the position youve just accepted or feel the need to move up.
1st off money as everyone knows is not everything once you have enough to live on! The most important thing is enjoying what you do and being the best you can and the money will come! Also the people that you are surrounded by!

I run the Engineering for my company and I started at 40k a year 5 years ago. It is a very small company but the people are great and I am 1.5 miles from home. I proved myself and am now making 62k a year. I started struggling very badly coming from a job making 57k and dropping down and being a single dad with 2 boys and a worthless ex it was very hard. I couldn't be happier and I'm glad I held out!
1st off money as everyone knows is not everything once you have enough to live on! The most important thing is enjoying what you do and being the best you can and the money will come! Also the people that you are surrounded by!

I run the Engineering for my company and I started at 40k a year 5 years ago. It is a very small company but the people are great and I am 1.5 miles from home. I proved myself and am now making 62k a year. I started struggling very badly coming from a job making 57k and dropping down and being a single dad with 2 boys and a worthless ex it was very hard. I couldn't be happier and I'm glad I held out!

Awesome....thats a scary pay cut but i'm glad everything worked out.

I am in some buttload of debt right now (school and credit cards) that I would love to pay off...so with the ESPN job I am def. making 10k more than I do now, plus if I average 45 hours of overtime, thats like $7800 on top....I'm gonna make an assumption i'll be making 50k after overtime......if I am getting by ok with my pay now...I can't wait for this increase.