Hyperfest 2009


08 Mazda Speed 3, Black Mica
Hey Everybody, Hyper-Fest is June 21th 2009 this year at Summit Point.
Quick list of who all would be interested in going and also doing the Famous Hyper Drive.


I will post on the main meets and events later today when i get home with some graphical representation.
June 20th* ;)

This looks pretty interesting. I'm going to be at Summit Point this Saturday for an autox event with the BWM CCA, but I'm now thinking of going to this. Have you been to this event, before?

2 hours from me...what's the details on registration? Don't want to pull a Carlisle. :/

2 hours from me...what's the details on registration? Don't want to pull a Carlisle. :/

We should contact the regional Mazda USA director (or whoever is coordinating this from Mazda) and tell them to at least corner off a section near the Mazda tent for their "enthusiasts" to come park!

On the second part: (RTM) RTM (wink)
AHHH, June 6th is Emmys that i will be working on. Sorry wont be able to make that. As for the Mazda Teen Drive. Whats the info on that? I would be interested.
Me and a couple of my buddies from the M3F.com forum are going to Hyperfest. We go every year. Good times! Drifting FTW.

So, who all is going? Actually, the date is June 20th - not the 21st. :)
If my current plans fall though I'll try and go, maybe bring my Dad along...

Lets get a list going so we can all coordinate:

1. Travo83
2. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

EDIT: :-( Can't go this year... really pisses me off...
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I think I'm still going. My 3 buds from the M3F forums canceled out on me.

Calling for isolated t-storms, however, should be okay. I may meet yinz in Frederick for the drive down if you don't go like 90 down 15/340. lol
I Promass i won't dart off into the wind. I chill at 75 :) im signed up for the hyperdrive. i want to try and leave frederick by 9. so we can be there by 10 or just before.
I'm going to go clean up my ride right now. If I can get the $20 together, I'll be at BK at 9 AM tomorrow. Who all is going?
Sorry I didn't meet you in Frederick this morning. I woke up at 7:10 AM, saw it was raining, went back to sleep. I thought it was going to be a bad day to go. Woke back up at 9 AM, saw it may be a good day afterall. Ended up leaving around 10:30 AM and I got packed at the Speedway by around 12:20 PM. I think I saw you driving to the race track for you to race. I stayed until 6:45 and left. How long did you stay?

I have LOTS of pictures. Will post soon.
Hey, Yeah i was driving up the the Jefferson Cirucit for the 1:50 hyperdrive Slot. HOLY s***, BAD ASS! The instructed i had races Mazdas and requested me during the class when he found out what i was driving. Had a blast Laping people :O) im going to talk to him about racing on friday nights in the mazda class there at summit point. i got a few pics, i need to do some major photo work on pics of me on the track, Sorry to say the Go-Pro cam failed right before going on. so next time i will have to get video.
I Left at 3.PM
A. Needed gas bad, Half a tank did not last long on the track.
B. I was in the Dog pound with the G/F, Had to act fast on that issue