Homeland Security says dump Microsoft IE


2003 Protege5
I know it's old news..

Just wondering people think? Do you guys still use Paypal or access Bank information via Microsoft IE?

Maybe it's time to switch to Firefox.
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Hackers exploit whats most popular. If firefox was more popular than IE than I would bet there owuld be 10x more security flaws than IE. I say this cause firefox doesnt have a multibillion dollar company backing it up. Plus IE fixes their flaws pretty quick too.

Oh yea and **** homeland security
**** homeland security. ill use whatever i want, not what they recommend. dexterland security advises homeland security to **** itself.
i use straight up mozilla, but yeah, IE sucks, gave me nothing but problems with spyware and such
The fact that IE is running hand and hand with the Window's shell is the problem. You can say that people will try to find exploits for FireFox because it's getting popular but there's STILL more of a security risk with IE.
pluto316 said:
Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.

no ignorance at all actually. If you actually now how to setup a machine, a simple router/or firewall, you'll be fine.

Firefox however can't even load images right on some of my fav sites so I always revert back to ie.

But, being a lan admin, I have to use both just to know them so I can support them. Firefox isn't what everyone makes it out to be. MAtter of fact, the majority of people I see pushing firefox are only using it because they "heard" it was safer or better then IE, and have no idea as to why.
Newf said:
no ignorance at all actually. If you actually now how to setup a machine, a simple router/or firewall, you'll be fine.

Firefox however can't even load images right on some of my fav sites so I always revert back to ie.

But, being a lan admin, I have to use both just to know them so I can support them. Firefox isn't what everyone makes it out to be. MAtter of fact, the majority of people I see pushing firefox are only using it because they "heard" it was safer or better then IE, and have no idea as to why.

I am not going to argue with you over this, but I'm no networking dummy either.
I love how firefox can't handle pdf's half the time. Other than that it's ok. I'll still continue to use IE though. It uses fewer resources than firefox, and I prefer the layout. Plus, I love Microsoft.(Oh no! I can't believe he said that! How uncool and not trendy!!) (rockon)