Help! Why is my Protege still overheating?


1995 Mazda Protege DX
I've replaced the water pump, timing belt, thermostat, and had the cooling system flushed. It still starts running hot after about 10 minutes. It does not exhibit signs of a bad head gasket in other respects.
Has anyone else experience this issue? My protege is a 1995 DX, manual transmission. Please advise!
Maybe you're radiator is clogged? and I know it's a dumb question but did you put the thermostat in the right way? Only asking cause I accidently did it once lol i
If it isn't leaking any water and is not losing any water then i'd start looking at the radiator
sounds like a clogged radiator flush your radiator and engine block properly also air within the system can cause overheating as well