HELP!!! I need as Many Replies as Possible By Thursday June 19, 2008 3p.m.-


Mazda Protege ES 2.0
Yo I'm in the process of buying a new car, or should I say my pops is gonna get me a car. I'm stumpped between 3 choices:

1) 2008 Honda Accord
2) 2006 G35 coupe
3) 2009 Mazda RX-8 (my fav of the bunch)

The only thing holding me back somewhat from diving head first into the rotary is the trash ass MPG's. I know that with what ever car I pick I'm gonna tune it out cause I already caught the mod bug with my 01 Protege. But is there ANY way to improve the miles per gallon in a RX-8????

Please say there is?
Had number 1 and 2 but really really love my speed3. Its comfortabale, fast, econmical you can mod and i love it. Got rid of my g for it. welll worth it
ftw get the rx-7 youll be dead before the climate all goes to hell anyway, plus you dont even know your great great great great grandkids anyway so you cant feel bad about it. lol
get the RX-8. nice linear rotary power, beyond excellent handling.

accord is wrong wheel drive, and ugly...

and the local guys who have autocrossed g35's have told me they have garbage handling... pretty ugly looking too.
I have to say you're a pretty spoiled SOB lol but that's partly my jealousy talking.

Anyway, If I had to choose, I'd go with the G-35 just because of its, how do I say, presence I guess? In other words, if it's the coupe, it looks badass, sounds badass, and can put away mostly anything on the road that people our age drive.
I have to say you're a pretty spoiled SOB lol but that's partly my jealousy talking.

Anyway, If I had to choose, I'd go with the G-35 just because of its, how do I say, presence I guess? In other words, if it's the coupe, it looks badass, sounds badass, and can put away mostly anything on the road that people our age drive.

if you want fuel efficiency get the accord coupe... cylinder deactivation ftw

i would go personally for the rx8... power, looks, handling... and mazda now warranties the renesis engine for 100k miles
well, since you're concerned with the fuel economy, I'd say get the accord but only the lx, the ex gets lower mpg. But if you're not concerned with mpg, get the rx8