Help... Even more problems during acceleration


Mazdaspeed Protege
Alright so i have already completely understood the concept that our cars all hesitate under acceleration. But Lately when my car starts to get all warmed up after driving for a short while, my car starts to have problems accelerating and sounds like a vacuum turning on and off over and over. (I'm tryin to think of other ways to put it but thats the best reference that comes to mind) It sounds as is air is being sucked into my intake every other second which makes accelerating an annoyance.

Anyone else experience this? any solutions. Anything at all would help. Thanks
I have a unichip but whenever i put it on my car i lose all power during boost. I told the people at unichip and they said they think its a resistor so i sent it to them. I'm hoping they will be able to fix it because this is the second unichip iv had that has done the same thing.