
just had a good idea for a thread....

have had PLENTY of time to think about it all day... just got out of the tundra (wife, college-age daughter, 2 year-old daughter on board).... from kansas back to where i live near houston, i won't bore you with details, but we went up on wednesday, back today (sunday).... we avoided the major issue of 45S from conroe, by taking the backroads that actually take us home in a better route from madisonville (for those who know the area), but it was still 15 hours of seat time. 14 there... 15 back... we made a route change that saved us time, but it was ruined by the weather, and sunday traffic.

that big ass truck makes it easy with the family and when the weather goes to crap, and it tows things on the highway like butter, and i can ROLL in it... through the indian nations this morning... 75mph, we cruised at about 82-85 (in the slow lane!) no traffic, no worries on the new BFGs...

but i'm gonna take the speed when i go back up there alone first of next year... i hope it's dry next spring.

ANYWAY.....what's your max time, in the seat?... i don't care how much distance you cover in said time... what is the longest non-stop stretch time you have ever done behind the wheel?

18 is my max...

i'm still on autopilot, but going to bed now... what a helldrive. at least the LEOs were giving everyone a break this weekend, it seemed....
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I've only had my license for about 8 months or so, (I am only 16), but I would say probably 4-5 hrs. driving my dad's Lexus. Not a bad car to drive long distances. I've done longer, but that was the longest with me actually driving.
18 hours in a 24' Budget rental truck pegged out at 65 MPH from Nashville, TN to Victoria, TX. Not fun at all.
Seattle - Santa Barbara on a 2005 GSX-R 750 20th anniversary edition. 21 hours of hell. It started to rain 20 miles from my destination.

I went down for coachella. The line up was TOOL, and DAFT PUNK!
16.5 hrs. in my M45 from Philly to Disney World with the car loaded with 5 adults and luggage in trunk and in the cabin! What an ordeal!
26 hours from home to upstate New York. Couldn't afford to stop anywhere, so we drove it straight through.
Ft. Lauderdale to Midloathian, TX...22 hours. It was brutal. I literally fell out of my car at the end of the drive.
Every year I would make the trek from Silver Spring Md to New Britain Ct to spend Thanksgiving with my family. I worked as a Manager for Radio Shack backk then, so I would have to work the Weds befor and the Fri after Thanksgiving. About 11 years ago I left Md at 6:30 pm. Traffic was literally bumper to bumper from the moment I got on the highway all the way to Ct... 11 and 1/2 hours later I pulled into Ct... Needless to say I was beat... Went to sleep on my moms couch untill the 3pm dinner announcement. After dinner I left Ct and made it to Md in 5 hours..... Havent gone home for Thanksgiving since that trip.....
when i was stationed at camp lejeune i would drive the holiday liberty 96's and 120's (sooo rare) up to north DE. almost exactly 500 miles (so that should only take me 8 hrs at about 60-65mph on I95.....but nooooooo. when you go through richmond, DC, and baltimore during holiday traffic when we are not let out on liberty until 8am (soooo late for a good start) it ends up being 12-13hrs.

never flew, always drove, and always had traffic everytime i came home. at first that was when i had the miata, then i had a tacoma, then an mz3.

my wife's long drive story would be more impressive. she and a friend went from DE to cali in an isuzu hombre with no AC and more wheels than hp taking turns. heard sweaty-ass-syndrome infected both of them in the desert
17 hours from Bellingham, WA (30 mins south of Canada) to San Fransico straight through overnight (left at 5:00pm) in a 15 passenger van.
780 miles by what the odometer on the truck says... i can't believe what a good traveler the two year old is. what a trooper... when we got out of the car in the driveway... we all felt like we had been on the boat all day... sea legs.

the baby did ok while loving on her dog, but then i saw her get this dizzy look, then promptly barf all over the kitchen floor. two minutes later, she was cleaned up and acting normal again...

man, i did NOT want to get back in that truck again this morning. i almost took the speed, but it looked like a good rain......
I've driven Tampa to D.C. and Baltimore, either direction, many, many times, mostly non-stop. Depending on the Richmond and D.C. corridor traffic, that can be anywhere from a low of about 12 hours to more like 16-18 hours total.

Also driven between Dallas & Tampa several times, ranging from about 12 to 15-16 hours, based on traffic, etc. And I drive to Deal's Gap & back every May.

Based on chats I have had with others, my definition of "non-stop" is a little different. I go Road Warrior style- I only stop when the gas gauge is below 1/4 tank. If I am hungry or need to use the facilities, it waits until I stop for gas. And if I am hungry, I either get food at the gas station or a nearby drive-thru, and I eat while I drive. I don't do meal breaks.

Now, if I am driving with others in the car, or in a caravan, all that goes out the window, of course. Because most of humanity is made up of road trip wusses. LOL
I haven't done any long solo drives... But I can tell you the worst drives are when you desperatley have to poop.

that can make even a 15min drive seem like hell

Now, if I am driving with others in the car, or in a caravan, all that goes out the window, of course. Because most of humanity is made up of road trip wusses. LOL

I hear you, I have one friend who whines and wants to stop for food every 45min and a girl i know that i wont get in a car with because she has to stop to use the restroom every hour.

My almost 21hr drive was a tandem, my friend and i switched up every state only stopping for gas/food/restroom but the longest ive driven myself was 18hrs straight from destin fl to detroit, i forgot about that one.
9.5 hours from Monterrey to San Antonio to Port Aransas in the MS3.

I wanted to kill myself. its really uncomfortable in long trips.
Ft. Lauderdale to Orlando, traded Focus for MS3, Orlando to Tampa, Tampa back to Ft. Lauderdale, all in the same day.

Other than that, driving from Boston to Ft. Lauderdale 3 times in a car with NO CRUISE CONTROL!
I've only had my license for about 8 months or so, (I am only 16), but I would say probably 4-5 hrs. driving my dad's Lexus. Not a bad car to drive long distances. I've done longer, but that was the longest with me actually driving.

If you are 16, you should spend more time reading, and less time speaking