Handling a claim without a Lawyer


Well -- its not a big claim but should I get a lawyer or handle it myself ??

i was in an accident --- got hit by a drunk -- and yes the car is fixed and I am not injured --

but even tho its minor -- there are little things that can be claimed but i just dont know what --- examples

loss wages -- pain or uncomfort -- nervous to drive sometimes ---

and most important -- loss of value on the car because of accident --

any suggestions (spank)
I'd say go make sure you get every last cent from that drunk so that it will teach him NEVER to drive drunk!!! People like that make me sick and if I sound like a jackass, I'm sorry but if someone hits me and they are drunk, I am going to do everything and anything to get money from them so they will have learned their lesson.
but do i sue him or the insurance ?? or both and if everthing goes right -- i think he'll be injail for awhile -- since he did it on purpose
I say see what you can stick it to em for on your own. The biggest thing is knowing how to play their game. If you can't get as much as you feel you deserve on your own, you can always sick your lawyer on em later. Just my 2 cents.