GF and I are going on a break...

Nope...out of college. Now trying to start the "real world'. Thats the problem, shes still in college...still young. I might be going up to see her this weekend and surprising her with breakfast in bed....though it would be funny if some guy ended up in her bed but seriously.....
Rush said:
haha...i'm telling u and my gf would get along. Similar attitude over in the best sex position thread...and good info in this thread. Although i hope she has all the kinky s*** out of her system....or else i'll make her do it at her job again.....good times...
ZoomZoomH said:
it all comes down to trust ain't it, let's hope your trust in her isn't wasted, good luck :)

Trust (or lack of) ended a 4 year relationship for me. Girlfriend didn't trust me, went behind my back and spoke to my best friends jsut to be sure, and I knew she was doing this, yet she didn't know that I knew. Ya sounds confusing, but whatever, it was the last straw. She wasn't trusting me, and went behind my back, so on the flipside, I couldn't trust her anymore. She never owned up to going behind my back.
Falango said:
Trust (or lack of) ended a 4 year relationship for me. Girlfriend didn't trust me, went behind my back and spoke to my best friends jsut to be sure, and I knew she was doing this, yet she didn't know that I knew. Ya sounds confusing, but whatever, it was the last straw. She wasn't trusting me, and went behind my back, so on the flipside, I couldn't trust her anymore. She never owned up to going behind my back.

That sucks man. is hard to gain back once trust is lost.
Thug541 said:
Maybe....but shes young still. And she has only been honest in the past....I have no reason to not trust her now simply becuase other people have been burned. I'm just not that type of guy. She admitted that the difficulty has her scared....but she also said shes not looking for a replacement for me. I personally think this relationship can end up something special if we get thru this lil hurdle.....nothing bad enough has happened yet where i should just dump her and move on. Cuase honestly....she would be a hard one to top.

I think you need to listen a bit more to what people are telling you otherwise you are going to learn some lessons the hard way. From what I've read, this isn;t going to end up good for you. Move on! You are at a crossroads in your life in many ways......go out and make something of it. Don;t dwell on the past or let it drag you down.
rotten42 said:
I think you need to listen a bit more to what people are telling you otherwise you are going to learn some lessons the hard way. From what I've read, this isn;t going to end up good for you. Move on! You are at a crossroads in your life in many ways......go out and make something of it. Don;t dwell on the past or let it drag you down.

Like I said I appreciate the advice etc. that people are giving me. But one reason I wasn't asking for advice when I started this thread was there is no way anyone but me can understand the last 9 months me and my gf have been together. If I decided to end it becuase some people on a forum told me too....I would be insane. I used the advice of many people here to help me deal with the situation if anything. I know what I'm getting into and if it ends, it ends....I can deal with that. But I am not forcing a hand becuase some people on the site have been burned before. At the same time, my friends who know me and my gf are not telling me to get out and end it. Some are confused like me, while others went thru the same thing (and are still with their significant other).
Thug541 said:
Like I said I appreciate the advice etc. that people are giving me. But one reason I wasn't asking for advice when I started this thread was there is no way anyone but me can understand the last 9 months me and my gf have been together. If I decided to end it becuase some people on a forum told me too....I would be insane. I used the advice of many people here to help me deal with the situation if anything. I know what I'm getting into and if it ends, it ends....I can deal with that. But I am not forcing a hand becuase some people on the site have been burned before. At the same time, my friends who know me and my gf are not telling me to get out and end it. Some are confused like me, while others went thru the same thing (and are still with their significant other).

People have a way of understanding what you last 9 months have been like because many of us have been through the same kind of thing. Nobody is forcing you to do anything just to look at things with your eyes open.

But like most things in life, people prefer to learn the hard way....that's their choice.
rotten42 said:
People have a way of understanding what you last 9 months have been like because many of us have been through the same kind of thing. Nobody is forcing you to do anything just to look at things with your eyes open.

But like most things in life, people prefer to learn the hard way....that's their choice.

I'd perfer to learn the hard way at this point becuase she hasn't done anything wrong to me as of yet. I really have no reason to fully break up just becuase she needs time to "readjust" it sounds like. I can understand people's concerns at this point...but at the same time it doesn't mean its over for good. It also doesn't mean we will be together for good either. But a week and a 1/2 into a break i'm not gonna give up on it....yet. Esp cause it seems to be getting better every day now.
Thug i think you are doing the right thing here... you aprached the boards with the right mind set... advice from the boards is not the best advice, but listening and using it to cope with your issues i the best way to take advantage of the forums advice...
Thug541 said:
That sucks man. is hard to gain back once trust is lost.

It does suck, but when it gets to that point, there's just nothing else you can do. There's nothing left to fight for.
Oh, what the hell. I'm still wound up from work, can't sleep yet, and have nothing better to do. I might as well chime in again.

I think you need to do what YOU feel you should do. Yeah, a lot of us on the forums have been in a similar situation -- and most of us have gotten stomped on for it. But goddammit, not EVERY such situation has the same end result. Is it likely to turn out not-so-well? Sure. Is it guaranteed? Absolutely not.

Only you truly know your own circumstances, only you truly know this girl, and only you truly know what you've been through and how things are presently going.

All of us can babble on for fifteen years about what's happened to us, yadda yadda, blah blah blah. Bottom line, though -- YOU have to make the decision. Take everyone's advice in stride, but in the end, do what's right for YOU.

Hope everything turns out. :)
Thats what I feel at this point. Shes too great to give up just like that, and it sucks where we are right now, but I dunno....I feel we can work through this spot. But I really do apprecaite all the people who have chimed in. Cuase you did address realistic worries I had and I addresed them to her...and she answered them as best as she could. So I guess I have to trust everything she has said so far. I mean, if it turns out she was lying then yeah...fool me once....shame on you.....but I am sure it wouldn't happen again. I dunno, it took me a long time to get into a relationship, and I don't want to see it end when it doesn't need to yet.
Well after a 2 week and my gf have gotten back together. She realized she missed me too much and she would rather have me 3 hours away than not have me at all. Thanks to all the forum members who gave advice....and thanks to some who told me to stay in it haha.

Hopefully this relationship lasts thru the tnext two years, as I am sure it will be tough, but it'll be worth it. Thanks again.
Oh Hai...

Ridiuclous bump to let all of you know..


My gf did cheat on me and asked for the break after it happened....i found out because I looked at her AIM logs (they'll get ya) a little bit after we got back together....I actually forgave her but I still don't think I ever fully trusted her again.

After she lied to me on two other separate occasions (involving drug use) a few months later I ended it in April.

Just thought you guys should know since you all gave great advice that I didn't listen to.

Que sera sera
yes my man. you are still so young and go out and have fun. i was in a very sim. situation as you witha g/f of 5 years and its better to go out and have fun. you have you whole life to find someone. as i type this. im off to the bar;) enjoy your youth, you only have it once;)
Indeed. Yeah no I don't care anyomore...barely cared when we broke up. I've been enjoying my single life. Got a new job, moved to my own apartment...and hanging out with friends again. So no complaints here.

Breaking up with my gf was by far the best kick in my pants to starting my "real world" life.