Finally !!! Seinfeld show coming to DVD

Like I haven't seen every single episode at least 200 times already.....

I'd never buy those DVDs. But I will keep watching on TV.....strange.

Okay - gotta go clean up mile 114 lanes.

Which is your favorite episode? :)

I don't know episode names so you'd have to describe a bit to me to know, but I've seen most of them too.

I kind of liked the episode that created the famous phrase, "not that there is anything wrong with it"... :D

I also liked the toothbrush dropping into the toilet episode. Seinfeld not telling his girlfriend about it.... then later not being able to kiss her. hee hee.

man, there's so many good ones now that I think about it. hahaha.... I would probably buy the dvd set one day, but not until they stop playing the re-runs on a daily basis. :D
OH... elaine's dance... OMG, that was a good one too.
The toothbrush one is the same one with Kramer adopting mile 114 on the highway - my little reference a few posts up ^

I always like the Kenny Rogers Roasters episode, where Jerry moves into Kramer's apartment and starts to "become" the K-man. The scene where Kramer pours tomato juice on cereal and then says it looked like milk to him still cracks me up.

I also like the "reverse one" (with the wedding in India - and oddly enough, "ER" did a similar reverse thing last week), as well as the final episode.

Baboo Bat with that big-ass finger: "He's very bad man. Very very bad man". :)

Did somebody say Seinfeld? LOL

*scream* - I HATE that "reverse" episode where they go to India!! Worst episode ever created in the history of TV, and yet they seem to constantly play that one on TV around here. Bugs the piss out of me.

There are 2 episodes that stand way above all the others ...
1. The one where George gives up sex for a while and suddenly becomes a uber-genius. He's solving rubics cubes...oh, and then the classic moment when he's in the diner reading and yells out "of COURSE, absolute zero!" Hahaha!!
2. The 2-part episode where Kramer and Newman go on that soda bottle recycling run with Newman's mail truck. GREAT episode. Basically any episode with Newman in it is great. -- which reminds me of another classic -- the one where Newman is striving for getting a transfer to Hawaii....where he says "the air is so dewy sweet you don't even have to lick the stamps." But then fails because he's been storing old mail instead of delivering it and, as he puts it, "there's no way he can deliver 8 bags in addition to his usual 1." LOL!:D
some of my fave episodes in no particular order:

-- The Soup Nazi

-- "Mulva"

-- Chinese Restaurant ("Seinfeld Four")

-- The one where they all bet on who can go longest without masturbating......I love when they see that lady working out across the street in another building and Kramer just walks out and walks back in 30 seconds later and slaps his money on the table and just says "I'm out!".....classic!

-- Shrinkage
Yeah, Soup Nazi was always pretty fun to watch.

Mulva .... is that the one where Seinfeld couldn't recall his girlfriend's name? He only had an odd hint about her name rhyming with a body part or something?
Oh yeah.... the rental car "reservation" episode ... where Jerry explained the "definition" of a reservation..... Muahaha.... I remember having a difficult time breathing watching that for the first time. I could relate soooo well to that episode .... damn rental car companies..... i think they do much better for me now. :D
Allen said:
Oh yeah.... the rental car "reservation" episode ... where Jerry explained the "definition" of a reservation..... Muahaha.... I remember having a difficult time breathing watching that for the first time. I could relate soooo well to that episode .... damn rental car companies..... i think they do much better for me now. :D

no doubt....I have to travel a lot for work too so that one hits close to home........she's like "I know the definition of reservation".....and he's like "I don't think ya do!".....classic.

BTW you're right about the "Mulva" episode.........ended up her name was "Dolores".......I could watch that show ever day.......who am I kidding....I do !

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