Fantasy Football


2007 Mazdaspeed 3 Sport- True Red
I am not sure if anyone has done this yet or not. I did a search and could find nothing so....I have created a fantasy football league with Yahoo. Its free,(but we want to wager!) so anyone who wants to play just follow the steps below. The live draft will be on August 27th at 12:30pm edt.

1. Go to
2. Log in or register an yahoo account
3. Click on "Fantasy Football" on the lower right corner
4. Click "Join League" on the right side
5. Click "Join a Custom League"
6. Enter "the ID# is 222317" as the League ID and "protege" as the password
7. Enter your team name and click on your choice of helment
8. Finish changing your preferences and click continue
9. Click "Register My Team"
10. Your Done!! Click on "Fantasy Football Home"

Currently it is set up for 14 people. We can reduce it if needed. I had a few people wanting to havea $5.00 prize pool. If so then you can paypal $5.00 to with your team name. If we get 10 we can split the pot 60/40, winner take all or whatever. If we get 14 or more we can possible pay the top 3 We will do a leauge vote on the payouts once we are set
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Doh....I am in forsure. We should all put a little wager on $5 or something :p
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yA if everyone pitched in $5 it would be fun. but getting paid is another matter...OOO I have the league set at 20 players to get the max # of people.. Should i lower it? to around 12-14?
Bakrauf said:
yA if everyone pitched in $5 it would be fun. but getting paid is another matter...OOO I have the league set at 20 players to get the max # of people.. Should i lower it? to around 12-14?

14 is pretty good. 20 is a lot.
If only a couple of us pay then we will just set it aside for the person who does the best.
interested, but may run into my other league here at work, need to see what day we are drafting here then i will get back to yah
I would love to do it, but unfortunately that sunday I have to work so I can't be there for the draft. If the draft was a weekday at night i could do it, but weekends are hard for me.
mixmaster_matt said:
I would love to do it, but unfortunately that sunday I have to work so I can't be there for the draft. If the draft was a weekday at night i could do it, but weekends are hard for me.

If the draft day can't change, you can still prerank players if you want to play.
Rawyzf said:
If the draft day can't change, you can still prerank players if you want to play.

Yeah but that sucks b/c you can't predict who is gonna pick before you. Change it to a weekday night draft and I am in, for whatever money you guys are doing. Don't forget, I was the NCAA Tourney Champion of I am coming after this title as well.
Bakrauf said:
Rawyzf, yougot any preferences? I can change it

Na...I don't know my schedule yet, but most nights are free except Tuesdays for a few more weeks.
Notorious said:
I'd be in but I'm already in 2 leagues. When is the draft anyways?

Not sure yet...I think Bakrauf was gonna see what would work out best.