Engine Mount Issues


2014 Mazda CX 5 GT
First, let me say that I am not mechanically inclined, so will only tell the story as told to me by the Mazda mechanic at my dealership.

The story starts on Monday afternoon, after getting in the car to leave work. I placed the car in reverse and was greeted by a vibration and a growling noise. Not good, I'm thinking. I place the car back in park, then back to reverse, and the problem evaporated. So, I'm thinking it was just a temporary anomaly.

Next day, same time of day and place, the story repeats itself. This time, I also heard a clunk before the vibration ceased.

So, it was off to the dealer yesterday. The mechanic was able to partially reproduce the problem. As soon as the ticket was entered into the computer, someone from Mazda directly called the dealership mechanic to say that this is a known problem. The fix is to replace the #1 engine mount, then do some adjustments to the idle. The part is on order and I await the final fix.

I'll have to say how impressed I am with the way Mazda is both rapidly and proactively responding to issues with this new model. I'm sure a new car, build from the ground up, might have an issue or two that needs attention. The Mazda command center deserves high marks....I only hope that this fix works!
Are they replacing the passenger side/drive side/ or the rear mount. I'm curious to know what the failure is. I work for an automotive supplier that supplies engine mounts so I'm curious of the failure. We sometimes get vibration in our cx-5 at idle and other times its completely smooth. I chalked it up to how much the mount was being preloaded against the "snubbers" (limits motion of the engine) during different circumstances.
Glad to hear there is a fix. When I put mine in reverse and then brake before going forward there is usually lots of vibration. I guess it's time to see my dealer.
Wonder if it is the same motor mount problem they had with the CX7?

I swap the motormount on my Speed3 because it rock so much on WOT i could feel the motor hit the firewall, i also heard similar story with speed6 and now i hear about the cx7.
It seems to be a general, Mazda product weakness. I guess they want to filter vibration as much as possible with soft motormount but it probably create other problem.
I can understand on the Speed's and the turbo CX7 but on our CX5 it's a bit surprising since we have so little "powar" to deal with.
The CX7 motor mount was a liquid filled unit that would develop a leak in a small sample of vehicles. I don't think it was epidemic but, possibly a manufacturing issue.
Engine Mount Update and New Problem

Ok, the Engine Mount was replaced Tuesday morning. The Service Manager says the new mount is actually the mount for the manual transmission, even though I have an automatic. Apparently, the manual mount is a bit more sturdy than the automatic version. Sorry, but I don't know which mount this is (other than they called it the #1 mount). The problem appears to be solved.

So, after driving away from the dealer, I notice the Keyless entry/Ignition light is red. Since the vehicle started fine, I figured I'd check it out the next day, since I had other plans for the rest of the day. The car started fine that afternoon, and again the next morning, although the light remained illuminated.

Well, as I was about to drive to the dealer yesterday to get the warning light issue corrected, the vehicle failed to start. The battery was fine, and the locks worked properly from the fob. I tried the emergency start procedures listed in the owner's manual, but noting worked. Finally, I had to call Mazda assistance to be towed to the dealer. Hopefully they are working now on the problem.

When the engine mount was replaced, they did some reprogramming of the computer, so I'm assuming that this somehow impacted the keyless entry/start system. Any ideas?
Interestingly, I don't see a dealer making any independent decisions when it comes to the "tuning" or engine parameters controlled by the ECU, idle speed included.
Perhaps this is indeed an known issue, for which an official ECU reflash has been issued by Mazda, in conjunction with other measures to resolve the problem. Maybe a TSB exists?
I don't foresee the reprogramming of the ECU firmware being the cause of the new problem, but who knows.

I have noticed our CX-5 exhibiting a similar issue. If a gear shift is made while the engine is cold, and it is still at high warm up idle, the RPM drops to gear idle speed, and in the process the car will vibrate quite a bit.
Also, I have noticed some clunkiness in the steering wheel/column when driving over dips or bumps.

Perhaps I will alert the dealer to these issues next time the car is serviced. Looking forward to your updates.