Earth your part.

Too funny... I don't have my PS3 connected to a network (and I leave it powered off anyway), so I don't have to worry about it talking back to Japan.

On a related note... If you want to save yourself some money and do the Earth a favor, consider CF or LED lights. Don't buy "energy saving" incandescent bulbs. They were a lie. Here is a nice little article for you to read:

I personally think CFLs are the best option. Same amount of lumens for less watts. Pretty cut and dry.
This all brings back memory of my earlier age. Circa 1969 Woodstock. Back then they thought they could stop the rain by saying "NO RAIN, NO RAIN", it didn't work. Now, these idiots are in charge of telling us what to think, and what impact we can have on protecting "Mother Earth". You guys might want to do some research on the people who have taught you these ridiculous thoughts.
Please do some research on the f#@$heads that are now in charge of policy before you start jumping on the bus about turning out a light for humanity, and Mother Earth.
Also, You might want to ask if North Korea would like to have some of your carbon that you seem to hold in such pathetic disregaurd.
Get out of your Mazda, and start walking! Ride a bike. Take the Bus. I've had enough of this s***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what the earth is warming, Theres is nothing we can do to stop it. Why because its F-ing huge. Here is a prediction of whats gonna happen. It will get warmer than colder than warmer than colder than warmer then humans go extinct than its gets colder than warmer again. than the sun explodes turning into a supernova than it gets really hot and then the earth gets incinerated = no earth.....the end. Make a movie about that......

post of the year
I used to buy into global warming until I started reading about all the politics behind it. The lefties want it cuz they wanna save the earth and the righties want it for the oil. So in the end the govt actually wants global warming...I'm moving to Canada.
Let me tell you something man, no one was giving a sh!* when they was makeing money now that they see we will all be f'd they want to speak up man. They seen this was going to happen years ago but now that it is to late they want to speak up and what not WTF. I watched a special the other night that most pollution comes from buildings and very little from cars.
On that special they were trying to use some other sorce of energy other than electricty.
I dont really recall i was half way a sleep.
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why should we care about global warming...
it isn't even going to affect this generation at all.
is our grand kids that'll suffer....and those bastards deserve that, so is all good....</end sarcasm>
This all brings back memory of my earlier age. Circa 1969 Woodstock. Back then they thought they could stop the rain by saying "NO RAIN, NO RAIN", it didn't work. Now, these idiots are in charge of telling us what to think, and what impact we can have on protecting "Mother Earth". You guys might want to do some research on the people who have taught you these ridiculous thoughts.
Please do some research on the f#@$heads that are now in charge of policy before you start jumping on the bus about turning out a light for humanity, and Mother Earth.
Also, You might want to ask if North Korea would like to have some of your carbon that you seem to hold in such pathetic disregaurd.
Get out of your Mazda, and start walking! Ride a bike. Take the Bus. I've had enough of this s***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure where you were going with that but it made less sense the further it went.

Native Americans believed, and still believe not to take more than you need and not to waste anything that you take.

With that said, after reading your post you are saying that we can leave our lights on all of the time because it won't make a difference? I disagree. Our light bulbs would wear out sooner, our electric bills would increase, and we would be wasteful.
Ok folks.. Lets keep discussion civil here.

It always amazes me that any time something vaguely political is broached on this board, that it turns into a mudslinging disaster.
Ok folks.. Lets keep discussion civil here.

It always amazes me that any time something vaguely political is broached on this board, that it turns into a mudslinging disaster.

The magical anonymity (sp?) of the makes me laugh!

I'll just say one more thing...common sense conservation is good, and protecting our natural resources is good. But this has to be balanced with the understanding that humans will always change the environments they inhabit, and there are trade-offs for economic stability and industrial growth as well as for things like alternative fuels and recycling.

As a quick aside, let's also remember that as far as pollution contribution as a whole the United States is not a major contributor to worldwide pollution...there are a ton of developing countries with industries that are totally unregulated that pollute much more than we do.
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As a quick aside, let's also remember that as far as pollution contribution as a whole the United States is not a major contributor to worldwide pollution...there are a ton of developing countries with industries that are totally unregulated that pollute much more than we do.

does this means that we shouldn't care then?
it goes back to the same can't expect the world to change if you don't change yourself first....

maybe we need to teach these countries a lesson..that the US being such a powerful country can be clean, so any other country can too....
I just like saving myself money and time. Turning off lights and using CFL bulbs do both rather well. I don't need any more reasons than that.
Being good stewards while we're here on earth and saving money is always a good combination.