CSRT4- MS3's arch nemesis? The new car *long post*

I look at a CSRT-4 and an MS3 everyday im home! My 08.5 MS3, and my moms Red 08 CSRT lol. Never knew some of the interesting facts about the CSRT though as a bunch of you guys posted. I always toyed with her telling her that my car is faster, which it is 1/4 mile wise, but never realized above 100 she would walk me.

As for looks and such, I feel as though Dodge could have done a little better with their interior. Feels plasticy and cheap to me. I love though how the Tripometer displays 1/4, 1/8 mile times, g-forces, braking distances, and all 4 wheel psi's. Her shifter feels huge in my hand, not liking that either.

Exterior wise, I've always like the way that they look. The 19's with the engraved SRT just set off the car. The FMIC through the grill makes me angry because my MS3 should have came stock with one also lol. I keep threatening im going to steal it on her. I think the rear window could be a bit bigger as well. And a better handle/button for the hatch release. Maybe Im just picky though!

Also, is the clutch pedal spring loaded? Everytime I drive it, i hear a clicking when I shift, and either slip in or let off. Like its clicking and springy. Maybe its just me or something with the pedal itself.

If I can soon, Ill take pics of the cars side by side and post up. Photo comparison of everything for anyones viewing pleasure!

Hey that's pretty cool- I don't know too many parents that own turbo hatches. lol Usually they are the Toyota Camry variety.

The performance pages feature (0-60, 1/4 mile time, etc) is cool but was an option in '08 and unfortunately I didn't get it. Not for the performance so much as the 4-wheel PSI reading. That would be great! I use an Aeroforce Scan Gauge to test my 0-60/1/4 mile/1/8th mile etc. It's just like the MSD Dashhawk but built to be used like a gauge. It sits above my AEM wide-band in my pillar pod now. Unfortunately the colors aren't customizable like the Dashhawk. Mine is green which doesn't quite match the electro-luminecent stock gauges.

Yes- stock for stock the MS3 is faster in the 1/4, as well as 0-60. Before I installed my Mopar Stage 1 ECU the car, overall, felt weaker than a stock MS3. After the Stage 1- wow, what a difference. It feels faster than my MS3 ever did (granted my mods were conservative- Cobb SRI, MM)

I've heard that Mopar Stage 1 is what the engineers DESIGNED the car to be like but had to scale it back for the masses. It literally feels like the car wants to tear it's front tires off. I can be going 40mph in 2nd hit the gas and light the tires up violently. In other words it woke up it's lower end a bit but hits a wall with traction issues.

Up top it pulls like a freight train and doesn't seem to taper off. I've had it to speeds higher than I care to admit to on a public forum and it showed NO signs of slowing down. Feels like it keeps pulling and pulling!

According to my Scan Gauge I got a best 0-60 of 5.3 seconds, and that's spinning all the way through 1st, and 3/4ths of 2nd gear. I simply can't launch it otherwise. Drop it at a higher rpm and it burns up tires in 2nd as well. Launch more conservatively and it bogs. There's gotta be a happy medium but in my little bit of testing haven't found it. I'm certain I can get it under 5 seconds if I find the middle ground between breaking tracking and feathering the gas/clutch.

I haven't run a full 1/4 with it but have posted 8.9 second 1/8ths at 83mph. Not too bad. That should put me in the mid to low 13's. Certainly not as exhilarating as the 7 second 90mph 1/8th I pulled with my SRT6. (eekdance)
My best bud has a Dodge Caliber in Singapore. These are popular cars over there. He says that the platform is based on the Mitsubishi Lancer, the engine is based on a Nissan design and the turbo is built by Mitsubishi. Personally, the car looks a little chunky to me, not as balanced as the MS3. I would have gone for the Hemi in the Dodge Magnum. But hey in two years you may be back in a Mazda. Have fun! (second)

You, sir, are a prophet.