Countdown to Sophia!


2004 6 Wagon S
Welp...s***'s getting REAL!

We had a Dr.'s appointment yesterday, and they pulled Steph from work, due to her high blood pressure not going down. We're only a little over 2 weeks from her due date though, so it's not that big of a deal for her to stop working now, as opposed to waiting until she had the baby. She'll just have to go back to work 2 weeks earlier.

Her blood pressure has been high ever since the middle of the pregnancy, and nobody knows why. She's been having a hard time at work, her jerk off of a boss has been piling on tons of work for her to do, so hopefully this modified bed rest (she's not bedridden, but she's supposed to take it easy from here on out) will get her back to an acceptable range. If not, then they're going to have to induce her at 39 weeks, so around June 11th. If this works, then they'll just play it by ear, and if they can push it back another week, then that's what they'll do.

We don't think it's going to go down though. Even on the weekends, we'll check it at one of those machines at the grocery store, and it'll be high. Or on days where she's in a great mood, works not bothering her, life is good, it'll still be high! That was the case a little over 2 weeks ago, the Dr. sent her to the Hospital after her appointment because they wanted tests done related to her BP.

Either way, it won't be long now!
tell my girl to put her feet up and just look good! good luck to you both, let me know if we can lend a hand with anything!
Josh, the high blood pressure thing is very common, Kristen had the same thing later in pregnancy. theres no reason to loose sleep over it. hang in there she will be here soon enough!!
That's what they keep saying, I'm not worried about it. If it was anything serious, they probably would've induced her weeks ago. Other than the BP, she's totally fine! Normal aches, pains, cramps, etc., associated with pregnancy, but no hints of contractions yet, no unusual pain, no headaches, no vision problems, no bleeding or discharge, nothing? Weird....

...and she won't miss too much at the track...when i was super pregnant with Mollie (like 9 months pregnant!), i went to watch Sean at mid-ohio and i swelled up like a flip flops wouldn't was not fun!
We are so exited for you both. Hope that everything goes smoothly from here on out. Give a shout if you need anything. Tell Sophia we said hi, and can't wait to meet her.
lol! that's funny! if i see him, i'll take a pic ;)

I'm sure I'll be on close look out too, if I came home empty handed, I'd probably be in trouble!

We are so exited for you both. Hope that everything goes smoothly from here on out. Give a shout if you need anything. Tell Sophia we said hi, and can't wait to meet her.

Thanks buddy! It's going to be an amazing experience, we can't wait!
Got some more.....abrupt news at the Dr.'s office today. lol

The latest she'll be here by is probably next Tuesday. Steph's blood pressure was still high today, and they said it likely won't go down to an acceptable level by then, so they're going to induce her next Monday afternoon.


She could possibly get induced tomorrow, which means baby on Wednesday. The induction process is slow going, so that's why the delivery will probably be next day in these scenarios. They're worried about preeclampsia, so she's on her third 24hr urine test, (has to pee in a jug for 24hrs..ack!) If the results aren't good, then they're going to tell her to head down to the hospital right then and there. I guess the "danger area" is 300, her first test was 100, but her 2nd was 240. So, she's worried that this time will be over the top.

This is all hitting her pretty rough. :(
I'm wondering if the number might be "close enough" for them to send her/us to the hospital today? Maybe around 280-290 or something?

This is gonna be a long 4 hours!!! (until we call them. lol)
Subbed! Come on Sophiaaaaaaa SAAAAAntiagooooooooo!
No Sophia today. Everything checked out OK, so next Monday it is!

Today is Steph's B-day too, would've been a helluva present! hahaha
Reporting to the Hospital Monday @ 3pm!

They checked her at the Dr.'s office today, and said her cervix was already softening, so that's a good sign. Hopefully the induction process goes fast for her, but not too fast, because she wants Sophia born on the 12th. She likes even numbers (but her June 5th b-day is fine...pfft), and it would be exactly 1 week after hers. lulz