Cost of war!!!

oh yeah. this isn't news! We went from having the largest national surplus in history under Clinton to the largest national debt in HISTORY under Bush. Even with all of this money being spent we can't fully equip our troops but we sure as s*** can give the upper 1% a huge tax break!

personally i wish that fucker had kept the $300 he sent me and used it to buy someone some body armor or armored vehicles.
Super Matty P said:
personally i wish that fucker had kept the $300 he sent me and used it to buy someone some body armor or armored vehicles.
(mswerd) (usa)
Imagine all the hiboost and mam kits that could buy...

haha but seriously, pretty strong message there.

Just yesterday, my family put my cousin to rest... CPL. Binh Le, at Arlington Nat'l Cemetary. PH, SS Recommended.

His death has brought awareness to why we fight. The people are happy to have us there, the media does not portray a lot, and is often biased. I would hope that you would reconsider your opinion due to those who put their lives on the line for you, and for the liberty of another growing nation.
ditto, i would say more but im sleepy!

skilletrx said:

Just yesterday, my family put my cousin to rest... CPL. Binh Le, at Arlington Nat'l Cemetary. PH, SS Recommended.

His death has brought awareness to why we fight. The people are happy to have us there, the media does not portray a lot, and is often biased. I would hope that you would reconsider your opinion due to those who put their lives on the line for you, and for the liberty of another growing nation.
RIP CPL. Binh Le...but to be honest...having been in the military and seen a non-sanctioned war is scary as s*** out there. I do support our troops, but I dont for one reason believe that the iraqi people are happy to see us out there when s*** like power outages, random car bombings at mosques, etc happen on a daily basis. Yes, at first they may have been happy, but they are probly ready to see us leave 3 months ago. also on a side note...about your cousin, he was wounded and killed by enemy fire, he will receive the purlple heart. its almost a courtesy to the family when something like that happens. i have my uncle's from vietnam, same thing with him. MIA, presumed KIA. but anyways, I hope the holidays are a good one with your family and my heart felt condolences go out to you and your family as I know its not easy.
Maybe you mistook my post. I said Bush should've kept his stupid tax refund and given our troops better equipment.

I'm sorry for your loss. I really am. In my opinion it was unneccesary and should've never happened. While I feel bad for you and your family I feel anger towards our leaders who put out men and women in harms way when it's not warranted.

Don't mistake someone who is anti-bush for someone who is anti-troops. We just feel out roops deserve better.
i know what you meant matty...and i agree as well. hell, when my little brother got shipped out in june, my dad went and bought some body armor for him thats better than what he had issued to him...needless to say, hes alive cause of it. dont know what i would have done if we had lost him.
I would think anyone that has lost someone in Iraq/afghanistan would take a serious inventory of the situation and come to the realization of the crap we're in.

I'm glad your brother got that armor. Make sure he get's home safely and soon. Tell him to bring his buddys with him.
Super Matty P said:
I would think anyone that has lost someone in Iraq/afghanistan would take a serious inventory of the situation and come to the realization of the crap we're in.

I'm glad your brother got that armor. Make sure he get's home safely and soon. Tell him to bring his buddys with him.
thanks...but hes not due to come home til june of 2006. hes up for some leave come march so he'll come back for a month, then he'll be back out there again.
For the comment on having a surplus under Clinton, that was caused by Bush senior and his actions while in office. Generaly the economy takes about 4 years to respond to any changes made by say the president and what not.

Although Bush isn't helping the economy, during his first 4 years not all of the debt was his fault. The debt that came around on him was in part responce to clinton.

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