Convertible, or roadster?

Which driver are you?

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FSM 1.5.b "Kluge";FSM-SV "Ramalamadingdong"; Civic High-Bread
A wise man once told me the difference between a convertible and a modern day roadster:

In a convertible you put the top down when the weather is nice. IE: you only put the top down when the weather is bewteen 70-85*f, partly cloudy, and no persipitation etc.

In a roadster you put the top up when the weather is severe. So you have the top down during snow, rain, fog, cold, and heat.

I've driven through the snow, rain, tornado infested thunderstorms, 15*f nights crossing the desert whith the top down. I usually finally put the top up when it's freezing rain, or if it's 100*f+. I drove from DC to Atlanta, to San Diego, and up to San Francisco before I put the top up on one trip.

So which are you?
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I'm probably somewhere in between... I put the top up for precipitation, but I certainly don't wait for 75-degree weather to drop the top. What does that make me? A converoadster driver? A roadvertible driver?

bah there's a fresh foot of snow on the ground, why are vivid images of fun top down driving in an NA miata infesting my head!?

It is getting close to that time every year where I find a nice Miata and go to the dealership to test drive it and get ever so close to signing away the title (in hand of course) to my Protege5.

Somehow logic/reasoning always intervenes and ruins the fun.
Well, now I drive a damn mini-van, but when I had my drop-top, it was only up for severe weather and parking, so I voted number 2.
Nate, you drive a convertible :p

Hank, it makes you jealous :p

Eric, I have a battery powered sawzall if you want to make a drop-top MPV :) Just ask Kevin what he thinks. lol
it is a roadster for me and a convertible for the girlfriend. she isn't as gung ho as me
I drove home in the rain the other day with the top down. Being tall kinda sucks in that aspect as my the very top of my head got wet, but I digress.

I'll add a third option of my own: I drive with the top up or down when I'm in the mood, be it spirited, to test, play, or perform....regardless of weather :D. Though, the top will is guaranteed to be down when it's nice out, hehe.
MiaTurbo said:
Nate, you drive a convertible :p
bah... I'm just glad my vinyl top didn't crack when I put it up when I got home tonight... it didn't seem to like the 31 degree temps
as it was once explained to me:

A convertible is a car with a top that can go down.

A roadster is a car with a top that can go up.

A cabriolet is a german car with failing electronics.
iLisa said:
How wet do you get with the top down in the rain?
you only get wet when you're stopped, or if you're tall your forehead will get wet.
nate0123 said:
bah... I'm just glad my vinyl top didn't crack when I put it up when I got home tonight... it didn't seem to like the 31 degree temps
Yeah, i could tell last night when you passed me the vinyl was hard. the top was sticking up quite a bit.

BTW, your 3rd brake light is out.
MiaTurbo said:
Yeah, i could tell last night when you passed me the vinyl was hard. the top was sticking up quite a bit.

BTW, your 3rd brake light is out.
that sux, wonder why I never noticed that ;)