Columbus meet

we are due for down... just let the other guys know and well set up a date for either late june or early july.
I would like to see it late June or so. As early as possible is good for me b/c i'd like to get out and go somewhere and do something. So what date are you guys cool with? And as for telling the other members could you guys see about that b/c i'm new here and nobody really knows me.
I'm game, and Jonathon (sampson on here) is usually up for a meet as long as it doesn't interfere with his work schedule. I'll be in New York until June 17, though, so you may not want to count on me. haha.
Me and the wife are down for a meet in late June. But if you ever want to just hang out or something, just shoot one of us a PM here in Columbus man, one of use would most likely do something. I know how it feels to just be at home not doing anything.
that would be cool. i hope you all would still let me come around even though i dont drive a mazda anymore. :)
yeah. got a goat now. the guy i sold the msp to lives here in columbus and is a friend of mine, so it is in good hands. no worries, i will keep him walking the "straight and narrow."
Dude how many times do you change your underwear compared to cars a month? Jeebus Chist!

How the hell is it that when I come to Florida, they are getting "hit" by a tropical storm? What a bunch of doo doo.
the main reason i got it is i will be paying less per month for the goat versus the MSP. you get money for your more!! :)
sampson said:
the main reason i got it is i will be paying less per month for the goat versus the MSP. you get money for your more!! :)
I think you messed up that saying somewhere
June 20th would be ok. Um.....Wednesday......Buffalo Wild Wings? Or el Carrizo....margarita night for the ladies, so that includes any GACC member :p