Clean List of atendees for 15th/16th BBQ at Santa Barbara

Am I the only NorCal guy going?

Because if I am, I don't see any reason for you guys to drive all the way to SB just to hook up with my gimpy ass.

I have a surfboard that'll be ready in Encinitas in a couple of weeks. Maybe I could meet up with you SoCal people then? It would definately save some gas/hassle on your guys' parts.

Don't get me wrong, I'M STILL GOING if you think it's still a good idea. I think I'm the only NorCal guy with a legitimate excuse to not go, I have a broken rib(got an x-ray today) and a mild concussion, but thats just a couple of MINOR annoyances, & I ain't gonna back out at the last second.:D

Spicy and/or Alan, let me know if it's on.

-Natey (yes)

Come on guys, NorCal people gotta go down. This is not some weekend meet, this is probably once a year meet or osmething. I really wish I could go (I missed my SoCal friends!), but school is more important to me, I gotta get myself settle with school stuff. Stupid councelor set the time for Friday/Sat, I couldn't refuse because they said they are "busy".

Seriously tho, it would be worth of the drive...Spicy and them are cool people, go meet them!
But if I'm the only NorCal guy going, doesn't it seem kinda...counterproductive for all of LA to drive to SB just to meet me? Especially when I'm gonna be down in LA soon? (shrug) I'm bummed that this is going to hell. I was pretty excited to meet everyone from SoCal, but I figure that I can wait 2 weeks and do a Canyon Run/Life Plaza meet instead

Once again, I'm down if you guys think I should go, but I'm only one guy. One guy does not a car club make. ;)
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Natey i would really like you to come. I think you will have a vaulable roll on MOCC, and it would help out alot. Regardless if you do decide to go or not. The meet spot will not be changed.
Natey said:
But if I'm the only NorCal guy going, doesn't it seem kinda...counterproductive for all of LA to drive to SB just to meet me? Especially when I'm gonna be down in LA soon. (shrug)

Once again, I'm down if you guys think I should go, but I'm only one guy. One guy does not a car club make. ;)

Hey Natey. I would totally understand if you couldn't do it. It really is a lot of work. Believe me, been there, done that. :)
SpicyMSP said:
Natey i would really like you to come. I think you will have a vaulable roll on MOCC, and it would help out alot. Regardless if you do decide to go or not. The meet spot will not be changed.

OK. I'll see you there, Spicy. lol, I'll be the dizzy guy with a limp and scabbed up face. :)
Nah, I'm OK, just a little ugly and gimpy.

...But what else is new?? :D

Thanks, Alan! (drinks) See ya on Sat.
Like the A-Team??

I pity the fool who doesn't come to the MOCC meet!!
so whats up, do we need more food? I can bring some food if needed. I just wont be able to get all the other stuff I'm supposed to bring. I'm trying to cut down on spending.