Chicaga Area ?

Now that I've got you all here, about a month ago (Jan. 12ish), I saw a Blue MP3 pull up to Lucciano's Italian cafe while I was in the Chicago area. I was pretty drunk and excited to see the MP3 pull up, but I was in a rush to go to Gibson's, and gave the people inside a thumbs up. I apologize if I scared you, it was just me explaining I have the same car ;)...

Are any of you this person?

Hey,while were on the Chicago topic...we should all hook up one day/ night whatevers more convenent{sp?}.p.m. me so we can go cause so havok mp3 style!
I am from Illinois too....... well, I have had my bad luck in Chicago last time I went down in Thanksgiving, got my stereo stolen there =(

AA :(
ChiTown- You, raise some havok?? This oughta be good! ;) :D AND MP3 style... so what are ya gonna do, race KIA's?? :D Sorry homie, couldn't resist! I'm just playin'! Hey, I'll tag along if ya want to make it an import night, not just MP3's. Talk to ya lata
Be nice Young grass hopper or the sencie will remove the spoiler he just put on your ride! ;) LoL Hey grass hooper has a wrx anybody mind? hes one of my buddies!
Oh yeah hes 19 so I'm still old! :rolleyes:
Hey hey, leave my spoiler alone mister! Do you think you can bring home the tools so we can put the side markers on my ride this weekend? I'll give ya a call at the shop to remind you friday. Do you have oldtimers disease or somethin? I'm not some young teenaged punk! I'm 20, get it right. :D
Alright, who was it?! I saw a blue MP3 in Palos Heights today just before noon on 80th Ave. I turned around to try and catch up but you cut through subways parking lot (you bastard!) and I caught all the lights (76th, Harlem) and I didn't feel like chasing you down past harlem on RT 83. I was in a silver WRX. Just curious as to who that was? Lata.
I am always seeing another yellow MP3 in the joliet area.....WHO IS IT?? haha we always give each other "Hey alright!" looks when we pass each other almost every morning!