Cheap remote case and roof strip cover that might be useful

For some reason one of the roof rack strip cover has gone missing on my MZ5. I was just going to pick one up at the local dealer, but it was like $5CAN each. Got the part number(GJ6A505A1) and Googled it. I found on AliExpress a set of 5 for $2US with free shipping. It is probably one of those thing you don't really need but it would be nice to have around when you need it.

Here is the link.


If you have a 3D printer you can print it in whatever color you want, from the picture it looks a little bulky. here is the link:


Also found a replacement remote case with 3 buttons for $6.50US. I don't know if you can just transfer the electronics from the old one to this new one. I got one a few years ago from Ebay because the original buttons were getting worn, the PCB would not fit into the new case so I ended up just putting the new button into the old case.
