Cargo Area Lighting Solution?


2013 Mazda CX-5 GX AWD
Hey all,
Love my CX-5, hate the rear lighting. Every time I grab groceries in the evening, I can barelly see what I'm grabbing out of the cargo area, tired of it and looking for solutions.
I remember seeing one post where there was an LED tube (I think?) that was placed around the interior door opening which provided a lot of light. I also saw a post of someone who added a light similar to the one currently in the back, but I don't find it provides enough light. I'd like something bright! Anyone have any ideas (or know which post I'm referring too when I say LED tube isntall)?

This was a big problem for me too!

Instead of messing with the wiring in the cargo area, I just installed a battery powered, motion sensor light in the truck. Works fine for me. As long as you don't have things sliding around in your trunk all the time, the light should only come on when you open the liftgate. Get a nice LED one and the battery should last a good while before having to replace.

Mine is a different model, but something like this would do: (commissions earned)
few of us already installed LED or another light on the side, top etc, using the 12V outlet instead of tapping to the light on the left (caution make sure you disc battery or the connector before change bulbs) using a mercury tilt sensor so it turn on the light when lift gate opens.

is under accessory forum search lighting, I'll try to re-post link later.

here are some
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