Car pigs up when A/C on?

Estoy de acuerdo con la mayora de que el prender el compresor no debera de causarte problemas. Yo tambin lo tengo prendido muy seguido(tambin ha estado haciendo un calor de la ch....), y aunque si se pierde un cachito de potencia, no se arrana ni nada.

Quizs sea lo de heatsoak que exagere el problema de falta de potencia, o que el tanque de premium no fue tan...premium :S

...a ver si no se aguita la raza porque te contest en espaol jaja.

What he said.
The A/C compressor is a really minor load on the motor. You might lose a few horsepower ( maybe 5 or 10 ), but you can't feel the difference such a small drop really makes. If you've ever turned on your defrosters you've had the A/C unit on, for example.

Turbo cars are very tempermental with weather. I think your problem is more related to temperature and humidity than it is the A/C unit being on. The quote unquote "heatsoak" issue may be playing into the situation, but it's a fairly overstated problem so I wouldn't worry about it unless you are seeing performance drops after seriously running your car for a while.
The A/C compressor is a really minor load on the motor. You might lose a few horsepower ( maybe 5 or 10 ), but you can't feel the difference such a small drop really makes. If you've ever turned on your defrosters you've had the A/C unit on, for example.

Turbo cars are very tempermental with weather. I think your problem is more related to temperature and humidity than it is the A/C unit being on. The quote unquote "heatsoak" issue may be playing into the situation, but it's a fairly overstated problem so I wouldn't worry about it unless you are seeing performance drops after seriously running your car for a while.

Meh I can feel it like night and day. Ive tested it while cruising on the highway for instance. Ill be in 5th with the A/C on and its definately more sluggish than when I turn it off.
Does the compressor make any weird noises??

The bearings in the pulley could be bad, increasing the drag on the engine...

I agree with most of what's been said here already. In a car with this much power, the AC being on has very little effect on overall engine load/drag. It's a lot different than a 100-150 HP car in that regard...
I've read in various places that the A/C unit represents maybe a 5 to 10 HP loss on the motor.

To put that in perspective, this 1/4 mile ET calculator figures a loss of 10 flywheel HP costs you maybe 2/10ths in the quarter. I don't think that's really something your butt dyno can pick out.

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