car anti-theft devices


I'm just about getting sick of kids breaking into cars around here. So I just started looking into anti-theft devices and such. What I really want is something that alerts me if anyone is dicking with my car so I can run out and administer a pounding.(ughdance) I did a quick search on google and this is the first I came up with. Is anyone familiar with this type of device? Any suggestions?
It's got potential for your stated goal. But will you always immediately near your car? Personnally I'd want noise and distraction at the car also so the bastard would get scared off before I had broken window, missing radio, etc.
It's an old style RF pager, meaning if you are in a concrete and steel building you can expect significantly less range out of it. The 1/2 mile range is the best you can hope for in a flat corn field, any time you are in a city with large buildings your range will really start to suck. My opinion is to get one fo the newer alarms with monitoring ability, like DEI, Compustar, Audiovox or any other of teh dozen of brands out there. My favorite is DEI but a lot of the guys like the Compustar units.
didnt someone on this forum get sued for beating the s*** out of some kid car theif? if you ask me, thats exactly what that theif deserved, an ass beating

sound like a good idea though, any reviews on that thing?
[begin thread jack]

Minishotglass said:
alarms do nothing but interupt my sleep at night

BHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! as quoted from that website "insurance industry says they don't reduce car theft"

Like we are going to believe them fuckers? Hell if they aren't liars than it must be true that I like to speed because I have a dick hanging between my legs, so I should pay higher rates. I wouldn't believe a damn word the insurance industry has to say. They say that bulls*** about alarms, because they want to be able to say "oh that car is at risk for being stolen! So you gotta pay higher rates...."

Car alarms do work, I have seen them work. There are statistics out there proving they work. It is plain and simple...why the hell would a thief stick around a car that is flashing lights and making a s*** load of noise. They don't! They don't want to have that kind of attention.

Are car alarms perfect? No...they can be disabled by a thief who knows wtf they are doing. a good laugh out of that quote from the website.

[end thread jack]
this should be the only anti car theft device you need (semi auto) :)


car alarms are useless, i only have one because its easier to unlock my doors and find my car in parking lots. you need something active like 100KV discharge when the theif touches your car or some sort of decapatation device

those 2 ways are ok i guess, they let you know if your cars stolen already without you haveing to go to the parking lot wasting 15mins trying to find your car

if you catch the ass in action i recommend this


it can peirce a couple layers of kevlar and still have the energy to take you down
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pr5owner said:
this should be the only anti car theft device you need (semi auto) :)


car alarms are useless, i only have one because its easier to unlock my doors and find my car in parking lots. you need something active like 100KV discharge when the theif touches your car or some sort of decapatation device

those 2 ways are ok i guess, they let you know if your cars stolen already without you haveing to go to the parking lot wasting 15mins trying to find your car

if you catch the ass in action i recommend this


it can peirce a couple layers of kevlar and still have the energy to take you down

if only we could get away with that.... thing is you have to catch them first....
yes if ONLY, but alot of the times you dont even see the @#$@kers, so ... your car has to kill them for you.. so if its possible you can mount an M230 (off the apache) onto the roof of your car and have some sort of auto tracking, or have it relay the into back to your alarm pager and ask you if you want to terminate the guy or not

just hook a small one behind your gauge cluster, pointing in the driving postion; if your car's gone, activate it, and look for an accident somewhere....

sure you might demolish your car, but you just rid the world of one more asshole...
Yeah, trunk monkey would be ideal.

Thing is, I've gone out and yelled at some punks to stop them from breaking into a car, and they took off. I called the police and they said I should have let them do their thing and called the police so they could catch them.

The silent alarm would let me call the police (I can see my car out my apartment window) or come busting out of my door full speed and plow into him... ooooooh that would rock!
Sain't said:
Yeah, trunk monkey would be ideal.

Thing is, I've gone out and yelled at some punks to stop them from breaking into a car, and they took off. I called the police and they said I should have let them do their thing and called the police so they could catch them.

The silent alarm would let me call the police (I can see my car out my apartment window) or come busting out of my door full speed and plow into him... ooooooh that would rock!

if you can see your car from your apartment window why not use this? :)

can counter a theif all from the comfort of your own home

Sain't said:
I do have an airsoft gun.....

depending on your gun you can upgrade it to fire 650FPS and it will actually go thru your skin at range :) but i was talking about a real gun that fires bullets

most often a bullet can teach a better lesson than a BB