Bush planned Iraq attack before 9/11 _

StuttersC said:
Not really...Who's better?

To be honest, this time out I am hoping that Clark will win the democratic nomination. But this will be the first time since I started voting that I will vote democratic more than likely. For who ever has a chance of beating bush.
Out of the four lead runners in the dem race, any of them seems to be better at diplomacy, more well spoken, and less likely to spark off an international incident because they aren't thinking- just not kerry please...
StuttersC said:
Not really...Who's better?

well, of course this is just my opinion, Clinton was a lot better. Of course most of you heard about the biggest debt ever that we have but have most of you seen other economic policies. Example, the export to import ratio of goods is rediculously low. We import so much more than we export(can't remember the exact numbers) and it is hurting us trmendously. Also do you see Bush going after Yasser Arafat like he did Saddam? No. He was a lot worse than Saddam but has calmed down recently. Also, who gave weapons to the taliban? Oh, wait, it was the US. Yeah we supplied them with most of their weapons that they currently have. Now of course this is some evidence to back up my opinion, allbeit not too much evidence with solid facts but I just woke up and don't feel like doing searches right now. Will continue later though, if you want?
vindication said:
well, of course this is just my opinion, Clinton was a lot better. Of course most of you heard about the biggest debt ever that we have but have most of you seen other economic policies. Example, the export to import ratio of goods is rediculously low. We import so much more than we export(can't remember the exact numbers) and it is hurting us trmendously. Also do you see Bush going after Yasser Arafat like he did Saddam? No. He was a lot worse than Saddam but has calmed down recently. Also, who gave weapons to the taliban? Oh, wait, it was the US. Yeah we supplied them with most of their weapons that they currently have. Now of course this is some evidence to back up my opinion, allbeit not too much evidence with solid facts but I just woke up and don't feel like doing searches right now. Will continue later though, if you want?

I kind fof figured this would be the answer. Clinton was very weak when it came to taking of issues when the US was directly attacked.

The Taliban had Soviet made weapons...
correct, the taliban did have soviet weapons but they also had american weapons I beleive. I'll try and dig up some info when I have some spare time.
goldstar said:
There really is no rational explanation for this situation. Try not to get pissed off and instead try to see the humor and absurdity of it. Clinton was a liar, hypocrite, adulterer, thought to have committed criminal acts both before and during his presidency and ultimately impeached. But, Clinton was also a liberal Democrat who played to his liberal constituency and special interest groups at all times. Therefore, the liberal Democrats saw him as a god and felt he could do no wrong (or at least pretended to feel that way) as long as he gave them what they wanted and what they felt that they deserved. The fact that some people compared the contents of Clinton's character to the contents of an outhouse made absolutely no difference to these people. Recall that the Women's Liberation Group, NOW, continued to support Clinton despite all of his depredations against women. In a rare moment of honesty, not characteristic of an ultra radical, militant, left-wing group like NOW, they admitted their support for Clinton was based on his unwavering support for their positions.

Bush, on the other hand is a conservative Republican. For the liberal Democrats, this is all the definition needed. This implies he is intrinsically evil, stupid, immoral and determined to impose a dictatorship upon the United States. The actual content of his character is irrelevant. The fact that he is trying to fight a war against the terrorists who would destroy us and to promote and save our democratic way of life is totally lost on them. As you pointed out, no one accused Clinton of lying when he stated that Iraq had WMD. When Bush made the same statement and was so far found to be in error, he was called a liar. The difference--Bush is a Republican.

The real problem is that the liberals are out of power. The Republicans control the presidency, the Senate and the House and most of the state governorships. The liberals can't stand being out of power since they can no longer exert their ultra radical left wing control over us. Therefore, they have focused all their efforts on demonizing Bush in an attempt to destroy him and take back the presidency. That's why nothing is too outrageous to say about the man.

At least we have the comic escapades of Clinton to look back on.
He may have been one of the worst, most corrupt presidents in history but at least he entertained us. Who can ever forget the image of him standing up there with his finger in our faces saying "I never had sexual relations with that woman...", or the image of him walking out of church on Sunday morning (after the Lewinsky affair) carrying a bible in his hand. I also appreciated learning of his philosophical insights with his statement, "It depends on what the meaning of is, is" and his contention that oral sex is not sex. Perhaps the greatest comic moment occurred when the dress with the residue came to light (presidue?) which compelled our leader to once again step forward and proclaim, "Indeed I did have an improper relationship...". Clearly a man who deserves the admiration of the liberals.

All of this is very funny in a sick sort of way, but I'm afraid that someday the liberals will steal their way back into power (another term they like to use) and impose their freedom-robbing agenda on us. We won't be laughing then.

02 DX Millenium Red

Right here is the #1 problem with American Politics. You can interchange Bush/Clinton or Lib/Con or Republican/Demorcrat and it would all be the same thing. Your guy/party is the biggest cheat, liar, war monger etc.and you still support him while my guy/party is the zenith of moral pulchritude and can never tell a lie/do no wrong. When the truth is they're all a bunch of lieing, cheating scum.
The only deffense I allow into the argument is that Clinton's big lie was about getting a BJ while Bushes big lie has been about getting the country into war.
goldstar said:
When Dinkins was mayor of NYC, I lived there (actually in Brooklyn). Crime was a major problem at the time, especially in the subways. Since I frequently had to ride the subways, I took to carrying a large switchblade knife in my pocket with me whenever I went underground. I never had to use it but I felt that at least I would have a fighting chance if someone tried to attack me.

I was attending night classes at graduate school at the time and as a consequence I often had to travel late at night. There were times when situations developed that I felt could be potentially dangerous for me but luckily, nothing ever developed into a major confrontation. Knowing I had the knife gave me a certain sense of security.

Under the administrations of Giuliani and now Bloomberg, the situation is completely different. Crime has been reduced to an extremely low-level compared to its incidence in the past and it's now safe to ride the subways again. Occasionally, my family and I visit NYC now to attend plays, musicals, concerts and other cultural events. We feel completely safe there, even on the subways and I no longer feel the need to carry a knife with me.

If it takes a certain amount of "police state" mentality and behavior (as the liberals so fondly love to call it) on the part of the government to insure the safety of my family and myself when in the Big Apple, I'm all for it.

02 DX Millenium Red

Crime is down in general and in big cities in specific because the Reagan/Bush administrations are no longer flooding the innercities with crack to help fund their illeagal South American operations.

After all, if one of those 7000 cameras takes a picture of me picking my nose, scratching my ass or adjusting my genitalia, thats fine with me if it also takes a picture of the sick, homicidal sociopath who gets up from his seat on the milk crate, saunters over to the mailbox and drops into it his homemade bomb.

And this has happened when? I guess it would be OK to put a camera into everyone's house because you may catch people planning to overthrow the Government? You never know what people are talikng about in the privacy of their house.
pingdum said:
Right here is the #1 problem with American Politics. You can interchange Bush/Clinton or Lib/Con or Republican/Demorcrat and it would all be the same thing. Your guy/party is the biggest cheat, liar, war monger etc.and you still support him while my guy/party is the zenith of moral pulchritude and can never tell a lie/do no wrong. When the truth is they're all a bunch of lieing, cheating scum.
The only deffense I allow into the argument is that Clinton's big lie was about getting a BJ while Bushes big lie has been about getting the country into war.

nail on the head ping.
pingdum said:
Right here is the #1 problem with American Politics. You can interchange Bush/Clinton or Lib/Con or Republican/Demorcrat and it would all be the same thing. Your guy/party is the biggest cheat, liar, war monger etc.and you still support him while my guy/party is the zenith of moral pulchritude and can never tell a lie/do no wrong. When the truth is they're all a bunch of lieing, cheating scum.
The only deffense I allow into the argument is that Clinton's big lie was about getting a BJ while Bushes big lie has been about getting the country into war.

Time will tell on that though. I've heard more stuff recently from the "Lance Corporal Underground" that makes me think you'll see something about two to three months out from the election...

Those of you in the Corps, know that LCUG is...And those of you who don't believe...Time will tell on this.
pingdum said:
Crime is down in general and in big cities in specific because the Reagan/Bush administrations are no longer flooding the innercities with crack to help fund their illeagal South American operations.

I hope you are just trying to be outrageous. If you really believe that it would indicate that you have an extremely paranoid view of the world. The world must seem a very bizarre place that makes it impossible for you to believe in or trust anyone or anything.

02 DX Millenium Red
shinzen said:
Reliable source you are quoting there

And if magically these weapons are found 2-3 months before the election, and there is any evidence that they have already been found, that would, at least in our country, be called an obstruction of justice.

That's funny as hell! But I have to argue with the accuracy of the "Underground."

I've seen it to be more in the 20-25% accruacy range...
goldstar said:

I hope you are just trying to be outrageous. If you really believe that it would indicate that you have an extremely paranoid view of the world. The world must seem a very bizarre place that makes it impossible for you to believe in or trust anyone or anything.

02 DX Millenium Red

I think you need a reality check. I do agree the whole idea is outrageous. But it's still true. The things that the powers are doing all around you would make you puke. And I'm not talking "black helicopter conspiracy theories to hide the Alien autopsy", I'm talking about real things that have and continue to be done like secret germ warfare tests on innocent unknowing civilians, selling weapons to all kinds of evil regimes while decrying them publicly, or turning the other way whole groups they support import all kinds of cheap drugs.
StuttersC said:
That's funny as hell! But I have to argue with the accuracy of the "Underground."

I've seen it to be more in the 20-25% accruacy range...

Yeah, I got a kick out of it- so which one showed?
Ya know what really cracks me up about ******* liberals? They piss and moan about "human rights" and "equal rights" and all that and yet we (America) liberate 25 million people from the most brutal dick on the face of the earth and we're the bad guys because it was a republican that did it. If it had been Clinton all you "Peace, Love, & Organic food" folks would be singing his praises and screaming Nobel prize.

Having been in the Marine Corps (infantry) I have to second another post that basically said that people shouldn't be suprised that they're actually supposed to go to war! Ya mean it's not just for the college money?!?!? NEWS FLASH DUMBASS! YOU (OR YOUR KID) JOINED THE ARMED FORCES AND THAT MEANS THEY MAY HAVE TO GO TO WAR! NO s***!

I will vote for Lieberman if he makes it through the primaries to be the demorcatic frontrunner. I say this to illustrate the fact that while I voted for Bush last time I'm by no means a Partisan. I'm a but put out with Bush about several things but the war with Saddam sure isn't one of them.

One thing though. You won't all like what I've written but read this and take it to heart. The enemy that seeks our destruction is Radical Islam and until we stomp the s*** out of a few more middle easter countries to scare the rest into line that's not going to change. Terrorism doesn't thrive without support, and nations like Saudi Arabia and Syria support terrorism. We are dealing with people who don't understand reason in the same way we do. That's why they resort to such repulsive measures and to make them back down we need to beat them into submission. That is all they understand.