Bubbles in tint

So the previous owner of my car must have cheaped out on the tint, because my rear window has started to bubble really bad. (looks horrible)
I called a local tint shop about removal and they wont touch it because it is over the defrost lines.

Any suggestions on how I can take it off myself without ruining the lines? Anything would help and busting the window on purpose is looking better and better.
3M sells a product that will dissolve the adhesive and you simply scrape off with rubber blade? But the caveat is, you need to clear the layer of plastic 1st? Some tint shops will do this for you as well, for a fee... call around.
the defrost lines is a cheap excuse. a good tint shop will just charge u to remove it and wont have trouble with the defrost lines. my old tint was removed and they installed new tint all in under an hour. jus tshop around and ur golden :)
lol wow ppl actually agreed w/ me :)

even with a professional, the tint on the back w/ defrost lines might be hard cuz he has to make sure alll the air is out between each line. i have tiny bubles at the end of my tint. they tried their best. my friends have the same problems at other tint shops.
I just moved to Washington from AZ so I actually have to use the defrost now. I read somewhere that a steam cleaner may do the trick. Not sure where to go with this. Thanks for the advice though.
yep, a steamer is what the pros use. Steam cleaner may do the trick, the ones I've seen are more like a clothes steamer. You'd probably still have to clean a little glue off.