Bluetooh Madness - HELP!


I have 2 Voice Mails in my LG Android Phone and everytime I turn on bluetooth and the phone is connected to my Mazda 5 - the voicemail will be played. The voicemail goes on the loop and I have to hit the hang up button a few times to stop it, or hit the call button then hang up button to pause it. I just need my BT on for incoming calls, I don't want the voice mail to keep on playing like this - is there's a setting I overlooked? Obviously the best way is to delete the voicemails but I have a feeling something is not right with BT setting on my Mazda 5, it doesn't behave the same as my other car's BT (with the same phone). Thanks.
The problem is with your phone, not your car. The car just shows up as a connected device, it's the phone that determines what is sent to it. Have you tried rebooting your phone?