Benefits of Class D amp


'03 Black Mica #226
Is there any added benefits in having a Class D amp or a Class A/B? This is for sub use.

Class D will draw much less's a more efficient design for subwoofer applications. At least...that's how I've been told! :)
ARunto said:
Is there any added benefits in having a Class D amp or a Class A/B? This is for sub use.

class D is more efficent like servo said. but they dont sound as good. for a sub they work great. you can not even tell the difference.
pr5owner said:
they cannot switch fast nuff for high freq
So the 200 watt class-D amp Infinity Basslink is actually more powerful than it sounds? How much more powerful are we talking here?.. or does it not work that way (argh I'm 2 chapters away from electricity in my high school physics class)
not more powerful. still puts out the same wattage, it just uses less power to do it, and puts off less heat, etc. Basically none of this is really going to be noticeably different to you at such a low power level. My 1000w amp, on the otherhand would likely kill my electrical system by itself if it were classa.

While I'm at it, the basslink I seriously doubt puts out a true 200w, look for RMS ratings to compare apples to apples.
Poseur's correct. A class D is more effecient meaning you get more power out from the power you put in.

Something you can relate too.
Lets say there are 10 chicks you want to (naughty)
Now if you were a class A/B amp and you tried to get all 10 you would get 5 of them and they would still like you afterwards. A class D amp would get 9 of them with the same effort, but later they will all think he's an asshole. Since the same effort is exerted trying to get laid we can say the Class D is more effecient at getting women even though he is a scum bag to do it. See?

^^ (lol) That one of the best ways to relate numbers and letters to reality I've seen in awhile.

I think this whole out of the industry bit's loosening you up even more man. You gonna apply anywhere else after this blows over BTW?
MisterT said:
That was great 1st MP3, you rock! Uh, what class are you then?(hah) :p
Class C, I am so obscure that no one has ever even heard of me.
Poseur said:
^^ (lol) That one of the best ways to relate numbers and letters to reality I've seen in awhile.

I think this whole out of the industry bit's loosening you up even more man. You gonna apply anywhere else after this blows over BTW?
Just trying to help him remeber something for Physics class. :D

Actualy there is a new shop by me that has alot of lines I have never used so I am really interested to get in there.
1st MP3 in NH said:
Just trying to help him remeber something for Physics class. :D

Actualy there is a new shop by me that has alot of lines I have never used so I am really interested to get in there.

Very cool. Hopefully the industry doesn't come over and have a little chat with the shop owner about your antics and such, eH? Do you have to check your rearview now to make sure you're not being tailed? I bet that STI would make short work of 'em anyway. How you likin that thing BTW?