bay area p5 meet


It was a good idea, too bad hardly anyone showed. Maybe next time.



For pictures of the rev it up in SF city click here!
Damn I didn't even know there was one or I would of showed up! Sorry guys. There is another guy who lives right by me that has a 2002 blue one just like mine that prolly would of showed up too. Mabye next time we should make it an ALL protege meet. That would draw alot more people.
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I got stuck in traffic and showed up at 3:30. 10 min. after most(2) of you guys left. At least I hooked up with blackp5 for a few(good meeting you!)...He was pulling out of the parking lot right as I was pulling in, and he turned around. He mentioned somebody talking about a "cruise" down to Santa Cruz. That would be killer for me 'cause I live here. Maybe I can hook up a place to stop/meet/hang out. s***, if you guys do this, I'll drive up there first and cruise back with ya.
Sorry I missed you guys.
yea.. this meet didn't turn out to great.. i hoped more people would have showed up but it was a good try at least


Well hey, how about arrangeing one for next weekend? A bay area all protege meet. I am not good at arrangeing these sorts of things, but I'm just tossing the idea out there... :D
Wow. there are at least 3 p5 in Dublin and only 1 came :-(.

BTW I have more pictures. They are hella good quality too. 2400 x 1800
i think there are like 10 in dublin alone.. except they don't post here.. i know there's a white one by the apartment complexes by my house...