Automated Traffic Enforcement


Well the Nations Capitol passed the law alright!!! :mad: I came home from work today to find this red trimed envolope. AUTOMATED TRAFFICE ENFORCEMENT as the return address. I opened it up to find a nice and crisp photo of the rear end of my car, and then a blow up of the license plate. I thought it might be a red light camera but I know I haven't ran a red light ever since they installed them. It was a motherFU*Kin speeding ticket.

It all happened 10.10 @ 1:36am. I don't even remeber when it happened!!! :mad: The paper said I was going 37mph in a 25mph. They cought me red handed!!! A $50 ticket later!!!

Dosen't anyone think this is an invasion of privacy. On the back of the paper they have some stupid explanation on how they photographed my car. 20d angle, blah...blah.....blah....! Well I guess I gotta pay the dam thing. Does anyone have this law elsewhere??????
OMG that SUCKS, i have no clue as to whether or not that law is in MI...but i sure as hell hope it isnt
Dreeza said:
hahaha yea, lol, thats the way to go, look at the bright side of things:D

ive seen cameras being installed actually in MI, but no tickets so far and they might not be red light tickets. WTF- radar and red light running? thats BS
How could it be an invasion of privacy? You were traveling on a public road.

You were speeding, you got caught. Pay the ticket and move on.
It's only 50 bucks out of your pocket, I'd say you got off pretty light. That ticket would be WAY over 50 in california, and it wouldn't be nearly that easy to pay.
JunkPunch said:
How could it be an invasion of privacy? You were traveling on a public road.

You were speeding, you got caught. Pay the ticket and move on.

That's the attitude Big Brother loves.
its the fact that its not a cop that stopped him its a camera. its no longer the fact that the state has to prove YOU are guilty its just the mere fact your CAR was guilty. what do you think would happen if your car was stolen and they ran a red light or were speeding. do you think you would have an easy time getting the court to dismiss the ticket...... oh and do you even get a choice for your day in court. in the US you have the right to confront your accuser. .... so mr camera can you tell me who was driving the car on the morning of 10/10? no.... hmmmm.... can you tell me mr camera was he merely keeping up with the other floow of traffic on the road? no.... hmmm so lets get this straight, all you saw was the defendents car and not the defendent. very intreasting.
im Howard county they are tring to get an act passed that will let the police sub-contract out the issuing of speeding tickets to companies armed with radar guns and cameras. so what we will now have is citizens enforcing the laws of the state.
i find this big brother we know better attitude very scary. why not just take this one step forward and make it so there are tracks in the road like at an amusment park so they can control how fast and where we go in our personal cars.
mp5smuggler said:
what do you think would happen if your car was stolen and they ran a red light or were speeding. do you think you would have an easy time getting the court to dismiss the ticket......

The fact that someone was speeding in your stolen car would be more of a problem. :rolleyes:
JunkPunch said:
You were speeding, you got caught. Pay the ticket and move on.

I was speaking more of this line. It's just the idea that every minute you're outside of your house that you should act like you're being watched. And this "if you're not breaking the law then you shouldn't mind" attitude just scares me. Law abiding people should be the most insulted by this kind of thing.
i say get those translucent license plate holders that mess up the picture when someone tries to take a picture of your license plate
traitorhound said:
i say get those translucent license plate holders that mess up the picture when someone tries to take a picture of your license plate
pingdum said:
I was speaking more of this line. It's just the idea that every minute you're outside of your house that you should act like you're being watched. And this "if you're not breaking the law then you shouldn't mind" attitude just scares me. Law abiding people should be the most insulted by this kind of thing.

But how is it any different than if a cop was standing there and saw him speeding? Just because it was a camera doesn't make a difference.

The reason no points are assigned the owner of the vehicle is because they DON'T know who was driving. If you loaned your car to someone, then get them to pay it. If someone stole your car, I'm sure you would have reported it stolen and that would be very easy to get the ticket turned over.

I guess I'm just sick of so many people speeding or whatever and then crying about it when they get caught. I speed as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to whine about it if I get caught.
JunkPunch said:
But how is it any different than if a cop was standing there and saw him speeding? Just because it was a camera doesn't make a difference.

Would you want a cop standing at every corner. I think that's the definition of a police state.
Actually that's not the definition of a police state.

But no, I wouldn't want a cop on every corner but I could think of a lot worse things. Like no law enforcement at all.
Automated Traffic Enforcement is simply a high-tech 'driving tax.' The government knows that everyone breaks traffic laws (one study shows the average driver breaks a traffic statute once every four blocks). And they're just capitalizing on it.

Personally, I really don't see how these things can be used as evidence in court. No police officer witnessed the actual event.
Yeah I got nabbed once in MD with one of the red light cameras. At least points aren't asessed. I'd say either get a license plate cover, or put some strategic scratches in your plate. A great trick for trucks is put something in the receiver hitch to block the middle of the license plate (like a bike rack, or a metal cargo carrier).