Autocross this weekend! (11/22/2003)


Sorry about the short notice, but we were JUST given permission to use the lot and had to get the cops for this weekend. Well, everything is set and ready to go.

Where: Clemson University, behind the stadium
When: Registration starts at 9AM, ends at 10AM. You can still sign up till 11AM, for a fee.

More info can be found here:

If you need anything call 864-906-4581(my cell phone)
Its the lot where the number 100 is on that map.
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damnit! that would have been sweet. yeah well...hopefully next year we can have some more people from these forums getting to meet up at some of these local Auto-X events. :D
Next semester should be MUCH more stable. We where SUPOSED to have 5 races this semester, but Parking Services (who controls the lot) found that someone had done a few burn-outs on the lot after we raced on it. Now we're under a microscope indefinetly. Not saying we can't race, but when someone spins out then NEED to get off the gas.

Anyway, they are pleased that nothing went wrong with our last two events and everything should be just fine now.

I will post when we have the schedule for the spring(early January).

For those who have not autocrossed before, our events are GREAT for starters. We are a small club and run only one car at a time(less pressure).