Are these legit?


2007 Mazdaspeed 3
I've been looking around for angel eye kits for my ms3 and came across this on ebay... is it a legit kit? Can't pass it up for 80 bucks if so....
I doubt they are very good, I bought mine off eBay (I cant for the life of me rememeber the seller, but an identical ad is no longer on ebay) and then I got a set for my friend from a M3F member. The ones I got for my friend ended up being a good deal brighter. In the picture on the link you provided, they look ridiculuosly dull, I would honestly be surprised if they were that dull and dont understand why they would advertise like that:p

Theyre probably alright but for close to the same price you can get the best quality kit from the xenon