Anyone Play online poker anymore?


2007 Mazdaspeed 3 Sport- True Red
IF so where?
I used to play with a few peeps here until our big brother made it against the law. We had montlhly games sometime the turnout was good sometimes not. If anyone is interested in a check out I used to play online for money but the Government banned the banks from taking my hard earned cash and depositing it into the online poker site of my choice.

I then found It is a poker school of sorts that uses free money. The site is not free but it is not not sanctioned by the government because it does not use real money. The basic, bronze package starts at $14.99 a month and goes up to I think its $24 for gold. You can start with a 200 bankroll and can only refill it 1 time every 24 hours. So it teaches bankroll management. They have live table lessens hosted by Al Spath who is amazing.

how is the competition? It is amazing! It's some of the best competition I have ever played and that a shock since its play money.

What can you win? they give away Sponsorship points monthly and have big games for world series of poker seats. You can use these points to buy in to any tournament anywhere in the US. Its a great program. You get to see your Sat's so if you think your good you will really find out. If you are interested go to sign up. If you decide to join tell em Bakrauf sent ya!

I would love to get some of the us back at the poker table again it was a fun time!