Any police officers here?


2003 Black Mica Protege5
I was wondering what the average amount a ticket would be for having a busted headlight? Anyone know the answer, or know an officer that can give me an answer? I got pulled over cause my right headlight was out and got a ticket for $115. To me, this is an insane amount of money. I live in Philly, by the way.
$115 for a headlight being out? That's like the price for speeding or taking a red light!
thats bulls*** sign that s*** not guilty and bring them to court and tell them that the headlight just went out that day.
In oklahoma its $165 fine and 1 point moving violation on your driving record.

however not wearing a seatbelt is $50 and not a moving violation so it doesnt go on your record (boom07)
Coqui258 said:
$115 for a headlight being out? That's like the price for speeding or taking a red light!

Red Light ? - not in calif the Red Light fine starts at $350 and goes up....
Isn't it just a fix-it ticket? I thought you only paid the fine if you failed to get it fixed.
has to be, there is no proof that the bulb didnt burn out 1 minute earlier, but they do ticket you just so you fix it
im pretty sure in PA there is a minimum amount for any ticket that you get... when i was in high school i got a ticket for disobeying a street sign and it was $94.50 because that was the lowest like 6 years later, i wouldnt be surprised if $115 is the new minimum ticket value

i agree, it sucks, i would still plead not guilty and hope to get off, but i doubt it would get reduced

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