Am I missing something here?


Whitewater Pearl Mazda5 Touring
I was putting something in the back of the Mazda5 today, when I noticed that there appears to be a rather large hole in the rear glass where the rear wiper arm extends out.

I'm 99% sure there should be some sort of gasket here to keep water out of the hatch. But since I don't have another Mazda5 nearby to compare, can some one doubt check their 5 to see if there is a rubber gasket there?


rear wiper arm.JPG
If you are missing something, than I am too :). Mine looks exactly the same. I agree that it seems a little odd.
Wow, wierd... me too. Guess you learn something new every day, haha.

I should thank you too... when I went out to look at my 5, I realized the damn thing was unlocked all day (and all last night!). It's safe and secure now :)

How weird. I checked a couple of other cars nearby in the parking lot with a rear wiper, and they all have a rubber gasket...

This must be a Mazda design special.

Thanks for checking everyone!
strange indeed... i'm missing it as well and i checked a few of the 5's at my dealership and the ones i checked were all missing them too... including the one in the showroom....
I also looked at a few Mazda 5s @ my dealership and it seems to be the way the come. My guess is that there is a gasket on the INSIDE of the glass to allow the wiper motor free movement.
Kid Red said:
Yea, it's obviously on the inside or you'd have 15k + owners complaining about leaking gates.

Not necessarily. The rear hatch is made from composite, so it wouldn't rust, and there could be drain holes to drain the water out. (e.g., the two holes on either side of the rear hatch handle. Not sure why they're there.)
Wuster said:
Not necessarily. The rear hatch is made from composite, so it wouldn't rust, and there could be drain holes to drain the water out. (e.g., the two holes on either side of the rear hatch handle. Not sure why they're there.)

Good point (2thumbs)
Wuster said:
Not necessarily. The rear hatch is made from composite, so it wouldn't rust, and there could be drain holes to drain the water out. (e.g., the two holes on either side of the rear hatch handle. Not sure why they're there.)

True, but having seen the inside of the gate I believe that without a gasket it would leak inside (behind) the door panel. But, I could be wrong :)

Those two holes get me half the time I open the gate. I always nail the corner of one of them. I would like to fill them, however, now I'd be nervous about blocking a drain hole, lol.
Kid Red said:
True, but having seen the inside of the gate I believe that without a gasket it would leak inside (behind) the door panel. But, I could be wrong :)

Those two holes get me half the time I open the gate. I always nail the corner of one of them. I would like to fill them, however, now I'd be nervous about blocking a drain hole, lol.

I hear ya... I usually end up slipping one of my fingers in there when I'm trying to grab the latch.

I'm just glad that I'm not missing a rubber gasket. For a while there I was thinking that I've some how lost the gasket and couldn't believe I never caught it.

Now every time I open one of the doors, I listen for sloshing noises. I'm all paranoid now. (screwy)