Air Force Having Fun!!

Haha... flight line dudes (boom02) I'll have to play that at the shop tomorrow
haha... that one is a good one, but there are some crewcheifs that actually do backflips and all kinds of cool stuff when they taxi the planes out.
Looks like you guys have cool pilots. If any of my friends on the flight deck crews on my last command had tried that the Marine pilots would have called the air boss to ensure they got a serious ass chewing for not showing proper discipline. I guess that's one of the key differences between the Air Force and the Navy/Marine Corps though.
I'm a Marine and let me see someone do that and I would do only one thing.... piss my pants because that s*** if funny as hell. The respect that airman showed with his salute shows that he knows whos in that plane. That was funny, god I would laugh so hard if someone did that to me if I were a pilot. har har har.
That's awesome. That would make my day as a pilot if I saw that, take my mind off things.