Agincourt Mazda Compliant!

Hey guys, new on the forum but quite upset about my Mazda 3. Here's the story:

The situation began on the day I visited the dealership and was introduced to a sales representative by the name X, the person responsible with helping out with my transaction process. Mr. X before signing any papers had provided me with confident understanding that the $1000.00 deposit would be refunded if for any reason I would not want to close off the deal. Trusting that Mr. X was an honest and loyal sales representative I signed the papers off for a lease. Approximately a week later, I returned to the dealership stating that I would want to receive the deposit back. I was consulted by Mr. Xs manager who stated I was unable to do so and cannot even forfeit the deposit.

I had originally wanted to purchase this vehicle under a financing plan but was advised that the price to lease was a cheaper and smarter method to obtain the Mazda 3. Mr. X had made it clear that during anytime within the lease period I was qualified to switch to a financing program. At the end of November this year, I decided it was time for me to switch to the financing plan. I had phoned back to the dealership who advised me that I would need to call the head office to obtain this information. Once I had contacted the head office they told me only the dealership would be able to provide me with this information. This processing of calling head office suggested by Agincourt Mazda had occurred twice before I was told by the dealership I was not qualified to be on a financing plan.

So perhaps someone can tell me what my options are? I've emailed the head office and been told I will get a response soon.
Your best bet is to go to your local new station and plead to them to help you out. Tell them what happend and see if they will do a news on your side kind of thing. The reason is, well you got screwed and then signed papers saying you liked it.

NEVER NEVER sign anything without reading it. If you try to go to court they will tell you the same thing. You would have to prove that Mr X lied to you and tricked you into doing something that you didn't want to do. And basically you can't do that. It will be your word against his, and he'll some how have a friend to help his side. So the best thing is to take it to the public and hit them were it counts, SALES! If the dealer sees that a news station is going to put their shaddy practice on tv then most likly they will fix things. But if you are young and have no credit you'll be screwed.
yeah I'm actually going around on different forums and emailed the Toronto Star about this already. I'm goign to try to get in touch with any public media source that is willing to look at this.
wallaceckho said:
Trusting that Mr. X was an honest and loyal sales representative I signed the papers off for a lease.

That was your first mistake.. trusting a salesman and then calling/thinking he was honest and loyal without getting to know him at all.

They live to try and screw you.. VERY VERY VERY few are actually pretty cool.
Hey guys!

Yesterday I actually went to the dealer to ask to speak with Mr. X but he wasn't in. I was directed to the assistant manager who told me a load of crap and it wasn't their fault that we fell into what was told. So basically this agrument went on for a good hour. Half way, being fed up I asked him to put what he said is the truth on paper and he asked me 'why?'... Now doesn't that say something?

I showed him the letter similar to the original post and told him its been sent to head office and is getting posted across the internet forums he actually thought I was bluffing him! Anyways, eventually he told us the usual "I need to speak to my manager and I'll look into it .. dah dah"

On my way back to the car in the parking lot, a fellow by the name Mr.R called from Mazda's Customer Relation department. Saying that the fax and email has been recieved and he will talk to the dealer.

Nice and early this morning we get a call from Mr. R saying that Agincourt will be in contact with us. Agincourt has called in the afternoon asking me to go in to work something out.

Let's hope something really can be worked out . . . I'll keep you guys posted.
The lesson from this is to put everything in writing from now on to avoid future hassles. Good luck with it.
I don't think I'm suppose to disclose any names. But I'll say it's not the first or the last mentioned...

In the end, the name doesn't matter. I just want the situation to be resolved in a reasonable manner. I'm suppose to go in next week to 'talk' this out with the manager. I'm at the point where I will not deal with any nonsense this dealership will feed me.
Well after customer relation had called. Agincourt had asked us to call customer relations back to state that we are being taken care of and by doing so (without realizing or told by Agincourt), it closed off my file! So basically they told me i need to refile it.

Agincourt offered me soemthing I didnt' settle for. It was a difference of $1000 and they gave me nonsense that they would only allow me to take a use car and if I go with a new car, they would need to lower the trade-in value. But the Pre-Sales manager managed to tell me that he had too many Mazda 3's on his lot and he wants to get rid of them. So that's why he's willing to do an exchange.. Stupid? I think so.

Anyways, without wanting to be ripped off, I went to Avante to check out prices. Excellent excellent and EXCELLENT customer service! Everybody in the dealership was nice and friendly. Got tons of business cards and introduction from pratically everybody.

In all, I told them about the situation and hopefully something will be worked out with Avante rather than SHADY AGINCOURT MAZDA. I have been arranged to meet with the owner of Avante to see what can happen. I look foward to it.

P.S. For those who are interested and are considering purchasing from Agincourt... beware. You aren't told all that you need to know and lies will be feed for you to drive the car off the lot.
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