Adding remote start to 03 mazda 6...Tips?


03 Mazda 6s
Has anyone added a remote start system to their 6? Several months ago our keyless entry stopped working and we've been dealing with it until we can take it to Mazda or some other shop to get fixed. (We changed the remote batteries, reprogrammed them, etc to no avail.) With cold weather looming we're thinking about getting an aftermarket keyless entry/remote start system installed.

I've seen remote start/keyless entry systems at Circuit City and Best Buy, but although installation is usually included, there is always a clause saying there could be additional costs incurred depending upon car make/model. Anyone have any tips/problems they've encountered? Do you recommend one manufacturer over another?
Has anyone added a remote start system to their 6? Several months ago our keyless entry stopped working and we've been dealing with it until we can take it to Mazda or some other shop to get fixed. (We changed the remote batteries, reprogrammed them, etc to no avail.) With cold weather looming we're thinking about getting an aftermarket keyless entry/remote start system installed.

I've seen remote start/keyless entry systems at Circuit City and Best Buy, but although installation is usually included, there is always a clause saying there could be additional costs incurred depending upon car make/model. Anyone have any tips/problems they've encountered? Do you recommend one manufacturer over another?

Guess what, You're talking to an MECP Advanced installer that actually WORKS at Best Buy, I'm the supervisor of my Install Bay.

Honestly, the "Extra costs" is your bypass. Your key has an immobilzer in it, (a pill sized chip) and the car needs to see it in order to start. The BEST part to get is called the XK04 made by DEI (same company that makes Viper, Avital, Clifford, Python... so on..) if you have 2 keys your gold. You will give the installers both keys and when they are done you will get both back. If you dont have 2 keys to the car, you cant get a RS on your car. The reason you need two is to program the bypass. So if you only have 1 key, you have the get the dealer to make you a new one, that will cost around $70 to do, depending on how nice your dealer is....
The XK04 costs around $100 though. (I'll tell you a secret... You can PROBABLY get them to sell it to you for $50 or $60 if you're nice)

I have put RS and ALs on MANY 6's. DEI just came out with some new Viper products that are pretty badass. For example:

5701, 2-Way paging RS and AL, (meaning the fob talks to the car and vise versa) It can tell you the temp inside the car, can add trunk pop, add defroster, control more than one car... Lots of stuff. It also comes with a 1-way fob as a backup. Not to mention the fob looks and feels like a factory. This one is around $399 (Plus your bypass)

5301, 2-way paging RS, (NO ALARM) Does the same Temp thing and all the other stuff, just no alarm. Costs around $199 (Plus bypass)

5101, 1-Way RS, Just does the basics, RS and Keyless, can add trunk pop and others but does not communicate with the car. (plus bypass)

I am putting the new 5701 in my car and I'm excited. I've installed a few of these since they came out and they work REALLY WELL. If you dont want the alarm, go with the 5301, that way you can even get the Temp info.

All DEI stuff has a lifetime warranty too, and BB covers all that, so any issues and it's covered no charge. (Just keep your work order)

Hope this helps.
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Wow, thanks a lot. Lucky me that you saw my thread! :) I had actually already looked at some of the systems you mentioned. Thanks for the input.