A Wonderful Morning!

But that's the thing... Right now it's at the tow-yard. Meaning the insurance hasn't come out to look at it. Now I'm at a stand-still not knowing if it will get totalled or fixed. IF fixed it will go to dealership first, than to my friends shop...(all cool), BUT if totalled I got to time it perfectly to either get the s*** at the salvage yard.

All in time...
hey just to let you know, until you sign an agreement with the insurance company saying they are gonna give you "this amount" for the car it isn't theirs and they can't tell you you can't take your property off your car. even after they declare it totalled there has to be a signed agreement. be stern and don't let them push you around, thats what they try to do. you paid for those parts, they are yours. if you still have the stock pieces then put them in the trunk or back seat and take your parts off of it, don't sign any agreements or do any recorded phone agreements until you know what is happening to the car and you get what you want for it or off of it. seriously, it pisses me off when they pull that s*** and I have never stood for it, I have been in 2 major wrecks and I got everything off those cars that I wanted too. The tow yard shouldn't have any say in what you take off your car either. This wasnt your fault right so it is the other persons insurance company? you make sure you point fingers and get what you want, use things like "it will take this much "$$$" to replace the car that your client took from me, I have been looking around for the same car, similar miles, package and it is gonna take this much for me to get it back" unless you have modders insurance you can kiss the broken aftermarket stuff goodbye, so try to salvage what you can and you could seel some of it, I may be interested in the wheels, exhaust and possibly the intake if they are alright and you move onto another car. And make sure they give you proper medical and distress reimbursments. let me know if you need any tips on dealing with them, my mother is a paralegal and I can find out exactly where they can go.
CarbonMz3 said:

It started to get worse so I just came home from one. It was boring and nothing really changed... He said nothing major but still have to go for 3months or so

Yeh... gotta give it some time. I'd tell you to see my chiro.. they are awesome, but are all the way in Marietta.
You'll probably hurt more some times and feel better others. But I'd say after a month or so you'll hopefully see improvements.
I saw one intensivly for about 4 months, took my back about a month to be ok again and my neck about 2 months till is started feeling normal again. I'm still goin back 2-3 a month for adjustments.
wow, another one :( go get ur parts off the car. u just have to put something back in exchange, such as if u take the exhaust off, put the stock one back on and so on. sorry to hear about that though.
Thanks, thanks.

Yeah everyone is telling me I should and can take what I want, but until the insurance adjuster comes out and decides whether to fix it or total it I'm going to wait. I'm can't carry anything right now anyways, and only 1 persone can go into the tow yard at a time, so I have no choice to wait...

i just want my amp, sub, and wheels... My intake is crushed, and my exhaust is a weld on. We'll see how everything works out though~
I would almost be willing to bet the house that they total it. My mom's car looked a ton better than yours but because her airbag deployed, they totaled it. Glad to hear you're ok. Chest and back still hurting?
Did she have a Mazda3 also? I used to have a Honda Prelude, it got T-boned with engine damage, trans damage, suspension dam, and cosmetic, but still no totallage~
Later we found out it had a bent subframe, but by that time it was too late... Just sold it as is though~

Thanks for your concern. Now it's pretty much all over the place, the upper back, lower back, chest, right shoulder/neck, and supposedly my chiro says i have problems along my stomach region... Nothing major but in the morning it's hard to get up.
if u have geico, then ur car will be totalled. the insurance guy said if the air bag is deployed, that it's a 90% chance of it being totalled. that's like a $2k job or more to repair.
In any wreck that and airbag has been deployed all sensors all deployed airbags and sometimes airbag ecu must be replaced due to the fact that it is not safe to guess if a sensor has not been set off or an airbag may not have deployed because it was faulty. Its not something repair shops or insurance companys mess with due to safety liability. To replace an airbag system it can generally cost $500+ per sensor and 1200+ for the airbag assembly too bad the passenger bag didnt go off the dash woulda been toast also. But all in all i highly highly doubt they wont total the car with the damage that is incured.

Also previous to them giving you a check for the car YOU still own the car no matter what you can do what you want to the reguardless of what anybody else says there fore you can remove what you please but at the same token i would have a stock replacement ready just to make things more kosher. They dont nessacarily need to be put back on but just be put with the car. The only way you cannot remove the parts is if the insurance company intends to compensate you for them in the price of the car....which i doubt they will do since they try to squeak sometimes with paying the least amount. But like its been said if you feel any pain take care of it immediatly and document it you will regret it later when you are shelling cash outa pocket because of neck or back problems