09 GT AWD - leaky PTO(transfer case)


Noticed a wet spot at the bottom of the PTO during the last oil change. Did not see any drops on the garage floor and no other obvious leaks that i could see so I cleaned it up to see if I could find the source. Just changed the oil last week and saw that same wet spot at the bottom of the PTO(see attached picture). Took it to the dealer this morning and they confirmed that the seals are leaking. Unlike the CX7, they cannot replace the seals and have to order a new PTO. They ordered a new(or refurb - forgot to ask but i figure it would be refurb)and will replace it under powertrain warranty as soon as it comes in. Car only has 22K mi.


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I just noticed something very similar last weekend when doing an oil change. Thanks for the info, I'll take mine in to the dealer, too, and see what they say. Car has 25k on it.
Mines worse

Noticed a good amount of what I thought looked like cv grease in the spot where the wife parks the cx9. Finally got some time today to have a look. I was hoping it was just a cv but I found this.




We had the TC changed out at 35K because of the well known TC issues. Has been fine since now with 85K. Pretty sick to my stomach to say the least. Anyway, I can't really tell where it is coming from exactly. Could this be a breather issue?

In case you were wondering this is a 2007 and I hope your 2011 doesn't look like this in 4 years. Has anyone seen this and fixed it yet? (pukey)
I think I have that beat. Just noticed thick black liquid where my wife parks and then looked underneath and it looks worse than those pics. will upload pics soon. anyone know what this could be? 2010 GT AWD. 36000 miles.
Uh oh! Thanks for posting that. I don't understand why it's black and like grease. What's in the TC anyway? (boom05)
not sure. maybe like thick oil I guess. When you had the TC replaced was it leaking like this? Also what is the TC anyway and what does it do and is this where it is?
Lubricant of TC is shared with the transmission. It is not "thick" at all.
However, the toque-passing oil inside the torque converter is much thicker than lubircant.
This oil you are seeing could mean that the TC is leaking, not the lubricant, but the torque-passing oil.
Have it checked out by a dealer ASAP.
I think my leak was very small and definitely not enough to produce drops on the floor. It was almost like a sheen that just coated the bottom. From what I could tell, it was definitely not thick like grease but rather more like gear oil which I thought was in the rear differential and TC?

I really hope this solves the issue and will not happen again because the dealer said it's about a $1500 - $2000 repair job.
Ok, I have mine at a very reputable Transmission shop and they say it is coming from the transfer case and the fluid level is extremely low. So CERIC, are you sure the transmission fluid is shared inline with the transfer case? I'm not saying you are wrong and not saying they are right, I just want to know if I should have the dealer take a look also. I have a hunch that the transfer case is on its way out again and it is making a mess of the fluid.

Just thought I'd add what's going on. May be looking to trade 'er in if its the transfer case again.
Called yesterday for an appointment today and just got car back from dealer. They replaced the transfer case under warranty. They also did a full circle inspection to check tires, brakes, battery and fluids all no charge. Wantagh Mazda on Long Island.
In ONE day? Whoa.

Is this just an outer housing leaky seal issue or a internal gearing issue?
dropped it at 8 and was done at 4. They said it was about a 3 hour job so not sure about leaky seal or internal gearing issue. They just said they replaced the Transfer case. The pictures above show the extent of the leak.
Thanks for the follow up. So disappointing.

I'm gonna get the dealer's diagnosis and go to Mazda with it. If they can't help out a little it's gone.

I can't take a chance on it going out again if I have to foot a replacement bill.
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Did the paperwork list the parts?

Sounds like the whole unit is being swapped, which is why I'm surprising that Dealer would have the $1200 in parts laying around do a "quickie".

If they are proactively stocking them, this must be turning into a real PIA for Mazda and their customers.

part # AW21-27-500K-9U

Transfer case - looks like it goes for $500 to $600 online. They must stock them since they go so often I would guess.
Ok, I have mine at a very reputable Transmission shop and they say it is coming from the transfer case and the fluid level is extremely low. So CERIC, are you sure the transmission fluid is shared inline with the transfer case? I'm not saying you are wrong and not saying they are right, I just want to know if I should have the dealer take a look also. I have a hunch that the transfer case is on its way out again and it is making a mess of the fluid.

Just thought I'd add what's going on. May be looking to trade 'er in if its the transfer case again.

When I said "TC" I meant torque converter, not transfer case. That is misleading. My bad.
Ok so its the transfer case on mine again too. My dealer is going to try to get Mazda to help me out with it. Hopefully we can work out some sort of deal. I talked to the service manager a bit and he said these things only hold about a pint of oil. They really aren't designed to lose any at all and when they do, they overheat and start spewing out the oil. I really think the problem is when it gets cold. The oil gets really thick and makes the tc overheat from lack of lubrication. that is my theory. It would be interesting to see the trend of failed transfer cases by geographical region. I think most of the failures may be in areas of cold temperatures.

Its a bad design and not designed to last under any condition other than perfect it seems.

and check this out:

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Mazda has "respectfully declined our request". The dealer is gonna work with me on it. I'll let you know how it comes out.