GT28RS help



"so I am almost done with my engine,and I realize the GT28RS actuater doesn't fit.

anyone wanna help me out here?

what should I use to fit this,and what have some of you already done?"
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You can use the T25R actuator or drill the compressor cover to mount to the RS wastegate in the clock position.
the actuater hits the block.

jurgs01-your saying use this GT28RS actuator,and reposition it with new holes?
use the same actuator braket?
I don't have a stock MSP actuator,I traded it to Blkzoomzoom.

but it looks like I can make it work with all the RS components.without drilling.

BTW if you drill new holes to mount it,it would be REALLY crooked,doesn't look like it would work that way.

I will post pics as soon as I finiish fabing it.
If you have a third solution I would be interested to know how it goes. I just got my RS in the mail today.
Pay half as much, get the same performance and use an Evo III 16G... :) Just kidding...

But if you re-clock the turbo by a few degrees and drill a plate to mount it in a new position that may suffice. I'd have to see it in person or see some good pictures to give more of a useful input.


the problem with clocking it,and new plate is it would make the actuater sit at an angle,and not have the correct sweep.

I will post pics in about an hour or so.

I am making extra's so if anyone else is doing this swap,and wants a bolt in way to do it,let me know.
I will give you the stock one back, I have an extra now.

Or you can buy the 10psi one I have forsale.
wicked said:
the problem with clocking it,and new plate is it would make the actuater sit at an angle,and not have the correct sweep.

I understand... like I said I'd have to see it to give a better possibility. Sounds like you are on top of it though.
Thanks Rich! It all sound pretty simple, but I will have to wait until I get everything apart to see. Have to do some porting and polishing work first.


hows this
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I really thank you guys for trying to help,this is kinda one of those you need to be have done it problems.

anymore input would be nice.
I'm glad I didn't have to do this on the car!

BTW,anyone who does this needs to also know they have to bend coolent lines to get it to fit,the factory ones work,just need a soft mallet,and a bench vice to "persuede" them into the right places
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