2010 Mazda CX-9 Brake Booster Failure


2010 CX-9 AWD GT
Hello all, I have a question for anyone who's had the brake booster replaced on their car. I have all the tell-tale signs: a hard feel when pressing down on the pedal, hissing sound when pressing down on the brake pedal, a short screeching sound when the pedal is near to the bottom. My question is now whether its just the brake booster and brake booster gasket that I'll need or a new brake master cylinder as well? Mazda parts told me its master cylinder as well. Anybody replaced this part before?
By any chance, does anyone know what tools will be required to complete this job? I just want to make sure I'll have everything at hand.
Update: I've started the job; I've removed the battery, the air intake, and a few other pieces, but it seems as if the brake master cylinder is welded on to the brake booster. I spent all day trying to wriggle the two free, but no luck. I've managed to separate the two slightly, but it still seems as if the two are connected. I've sprayed penetrant oil into the area of the brake booster and master cylinder and left it over night in the hopes that it will separate.


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Perhaps you have tried already but for what it's worth.... Check inside the vehicle at the brake pedal and see if the push rod there can be disconnected and removed along with the master cylinder. There has to be a mechanical connection someplace between the two.
I tried unscrewing the 4 bolts nuts on the inside and removing the pin connecting the pedal to the push rod. I've since tightened the nuts back up and replaced the pin as I've been pushing on the pedal to help loosen the two. I think my next route will be to just remove the master cylinder and brake booster as a whole. I was hoping to avoid having to bleed the brakes, but at this point I'm thinking its unavoidable. This is a nightmare job. Replacing my rear hubs was a breeze compared to this.
I can only imagine what a nightmare that job is. Things are in there pretty deep. If it helps I think you are taking the right path then by removing everything as a unit. I went back and looked at the warranty work order when I had mine done under the service campaign and the brakes were bled as part of that job. That does indicate that they had to remove the master as well since they don't do anything more than they have to on those jobs.
Update: Just to let all know, I did manage to remove the brake booster, as well as the master cylinder, brakes were bled (next time I'll put the car on blocks and remove all 4 tires at once, it would have been much easier and quicker if I had tried this initially). Car is back to braking as usual. All good and it is possible.
Where did you get the unit? Mine failed last week and I was going to replace the whole thing as online videos showed.

Any tips other then the all wheels up and removed for bleeding?
I got an original mazda brake booster from tasca parts online. It was 92 dollars delivered to my door. I could have went aftermarket but didn't want to take a chance. Mine started whistling after 11 years so this replacement will outlast the car.
Last chance brake booster replacement

Hey - I got mine all loose - How did you get past the heater core lines on the left?

I'm about to throw in the towel!

