Turtle Wax ICE products=waste of money

I don't get it. People spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars for aftermarket products. Yet when it comes to the price of exterior/interior car care products, people won't spend the extra $10? Ya'll crazy.

(rlaugh) Who said anything about not spending more money? I buy the ice products because they work me, they are quick to apply because I don't want to spend my entire weekend detailing, and the price is reasonable. Besides I could put the other $10 bucks into the gas tank...
I've used the liquid clay bar on several cars with great results and no residue as long as I washed it off after. Pretty happy with it.
I don't have a lot of experience with different detailing products, but I use the ICE "synthetic polish" as a wax, and I like the results.
Sorry to Thread jack

Sorry to thread jack, but i got a questions for everybody???

since i read this thread today i got bored and decided i would go buy a clay bar, wax, etc and do my car. I picked up a Mothers complete kit. Anybody got any tips or tricks on waxing or claying or anything??? ive nevered clayed before and the last time i waxed was on my explorer and i made the mistake of doing it in the sun.
meguairs (sp, lol) or nothing, i always keep a good supply handy

i've tried a LOT of products and nothing bets the gold class
Have the Turtle Wax Ice Liquid Wax and you can't beat the ease of use. Apply in the sun, no residue, leaves a nice shine and oh so easy to apply...only drawback I have found is it doesn't last as long as I would like.
Meguiar's Gold Class is amazing, especially on darker finishes. That's pretty much the only higher-end product that I have any experience with.

Speaking of which... I really need to wax up the beast. Badly.
I have never tried the ICE clay but I do have the ICE wax. It does go on very easy and very fast and it looks great. But it doesn't look good for very long. The only thing I use it for now is shining up the black trim pieces like the antenna, side mirrors, and the wipers/wiper area. And it needs to be applied every time I wash the car since the shine doesn't last.

I tried Meguires NXT wax and I wasn't too impressed with it either. It was just as easy and fast to apply as the ICE though and I like it a little bit better.

The best I have found so far is 1 coat of NXT followed by a coat of Meguires wax (the 3rd step in their 3 step wax). I'm about out of the 3 step wax so I am going to try another Meguires product but I don't recall what it is, Meguires #something lol.
ive got the Meguires NXT Tech Wax along with the ICE detail spray, and id say that its probably the best shine ive gotten out of my car. i try to do a good coat of Turtle Wax liquid (not the ICE, the carnuba) at least once a month with a buffer. and then use the tech wax about every other week.
and when the weekend comes around, i bust out the detail spray and have at it. never had a problem with white residue or anything.
When I first got my P5 last year I tried the ICE, and while it went on easily and all that I found that most of the shine was gone by the time I washed it again. This spring I used Nu-Finish and was really pleased with the results.
I don't get it. People spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars for aftermarket products. Yet when it comes to the price of exterior/interior car care products, people won't spend the extra $10? Ya'll crazy.
hahaha so true..You can put a price on protection of your car...10 dollars is better then having to pay for new paint job when it oxidizes or fades (burnout)
I have tried all the Meguiars products and the Ice Wax and they are dull in comparison to Collinite 845. Collinite goes on and comes off so easily. No white residue at all. I do still use the Meguiars clay bar though as I find it works wonders. My silver Thule box rubbed up against some red metal hangers and sure enough got red paint on it. The Meguairs clay bar took that right out.
Yeah I used it and looks great. Not the bar will be doing the liquid bar this weekend Ill post the results.
Ill be in vacation next week so Ill take care of my P5 with the help of meguiars
I first tried the tire shampoo cause I just change them and oh what a difference with armor all or things like that..its been 2 weeks since i put the shampoo on my tires and they are bright black, not as shiny as they were when I did them but they are totally black even with the ?$?/ raining here.
Other products lasts 3-4 days..if its sunny outside besides of that it fades in a week and its all crappy grey again
And my stepfather used the meguiars carnauba liquid wax yesterday on his black CR-V and its like a mirror everywhere.
Ive tried turtle wax ONCE on my dashboard and it was all oily and all the scrapes was shining....NEVER AGAIN
Oh and btw there is 3 steps for waxing a car...follow them and with a good wax..itll be like a new car :)
I hate all car beautification products. Don't trust none of them. One person says "best s*** ever" nother person says "****** my s*** up"
I have both the ice polish and the liquid claybar. I bought the claybar product before I saw another thread on here about the product. In that other thread the liquid claybar was trashed by just about everyone. So I figured that I had wasted $15 before I even used it. I figured that since I had it and I was too cheap to go out and buy an actual claybar I decided to give it a try. I used meguiar's car wash, dried it with a microfiber cloth and then applied the liquid claybar and then washed again, dried with another microfiber cloth and then applied the ice polish. I followed the directions on the liquid claybar and the polish and my car looked great. There were some scuffs on the clearcoat which are now either gone or have been removed enough that you'd have to know where they were to find it. I had no traces of residue because of the wash after the liquid claybar treatment. Just rinsing it would not be enough because it does leave a haze on the paint.

The finish on the paint was much smoother than it was before so I would say that the liquid claybar accomplished what it advertised, so I am satisfied with the results. Some people don't mind spending 8 hours detailing their cars and have them come out looking perfect, I would rather spend an hour and a half and use these products and end up with a car that looks great in my eyes, thats all that really matters anyway.