MSP owners in BC


Hi, wondering if there are any MSP owners in BC that are active on the forum? I haven't kept up for a long while. Any gatherings or get togethers coming up?
I'm on here a lot. I've seen a few MSP's around my area, nobody on the forums though. Would be nice to see more local guys on here.
I used to be a regular quite a while ago. I've had such a love hate relationship with my car since I bought it new. Finally decided its time to build the motor and keep it. Where abouts are you? I'm in east van close to the PNE. Also how did you figure out the production number of your car?
Yea, I've had my fair share of headaches with the car but I love it. I'm in Abbotsford, about an hour from where you are. My msp is from the states so that's how I got the production number. Apparently, Mazda only had numbers for the American cars.
Wow, its so quiet in BC, I can hear an echo. The other BC posts are from 2008! I've noticed a few around Victoria as well.
Very quiet. I'm assuming all the old members from the local board have moved on. I see an MSP on the road every now and then. I'm seeing more mp3's now for some reason.
There are a few bg owners here in B.C. we are kinda scattered throughout the lower main land.. I have a EGT.. which bg based...