idiot tripped my alarm


2001 Mazda MP3
Ugh, I'm so paranoid now. I get outta a full day of classes (830a-515p) and get to my car and see the security light flashing super fast. Some jerk decided to set off the impact sensor :mad: I didn't see any visible damage/key marks, but I'm so paranoid now. I really wanna get a pager now so that jerk wont come back
Find out who it is and we will meet up and I will hold the bastard while you break his hands with a bat :)
the amount of times it flashes, tells you what got set off. check ur alarm manual. mine did this a lot because i would come out after 2 classes to switch books and i would unlock my doors so i could open the trunk. But if you dont open the doors within 30 secs it re-arms it self, then when you shut the trunk it will cause the alarm to beep 4 times very fast the next time you unlock your car.