Engine Mount Going Bad?


2003 Mazda Protege ES
Here are some pic of my engine mount i see a rubbery stuff coming out does it mean its going bad? if yes, what type of mount should i get?

A full set - http://siteground207.com/~protegeg/product_info.php?cPath=21_31_406&products_id=1427


Insert set - http://siteground207.com/~protegeg/product_info.php?cPath=21_31_406&products_id=634


Get the Full set man, you cant go wrong with a full set, you will love your car even more!
First, that little rubber thing doesn't mean your mount is going bad - it just sticks out like that. But if your car is anywhere near 100K+ miles, I'd go ahead and change your mounts.

BTW, I don't know how they can call that a full engine mount set when it doesn't even include the side mount :)
it has only 56K :D mhh,.so might have to wait.,.,do u guys recommend any other types of mount in the future :)