CX-5 Rear Fog Lamp Help


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2014 CX-5 AWD GT w/Tech Pkg
Ciao a tutti!

I'm asking our EU friends for a little help with obtaining info on CX-5 Rear Fog Lamps. I posted this in the CX-5 Accessories & Appearance Forum:

Rear Fog Lights should be standard equipment but because the USA gives almost everyone a license to drive, there are a lot of idiots behind the wheel. Which is why they don't require all cars to have rear fog lights. Some of those idiots, and I've seen many Audi drivers who do this, don't know the proper use of Rear Fog Lights and they drive with them on when there is no reason to do so. They are properly used during conditions of limited visibility so that an idiot who is driving at excessive speed under adverse conditions, hopefully will see the brighter Rear Fog Light (same intensity as brake light) and not smack into the rear of an unsuspecting motorist.

On the BMW's that I've owned, I replaced the stock US Spec light switch with a Euro one which enabled the use of the rear fog lights since the bulbs were already installed, but were just used under panic braking situations.

I'm on a mission since I think this is one of the most important safety features of a vehicle when used properly.

Any help would be appreciated and if these parts are only available in the EU, I will be touring Italy in the spring and can make arrangements to pick up the parts and bring them back to the US.

If you look at our reflectors, there is a slot that looks like it can hold a bulb. The wiring and the stalk also has to be available. A uk service manual for the CX-5 would help us to figure this out.